Android Users Can Now Smile With New Firefox For their Device

Android Users Can Now Smile With New Firefox For their Device


Everybody loves Firefox, I doubt if you don’t. Firefox makes browsing easier and fun to
use, it creates a wonderful experience, automatize with fast network and superb experience. You can make it Firefox. You make it your own.
Firefox stands for the features you love. The privacy you trust. Check out  the most customizable Firefox for Android which is now going viral, to make your browsing experience a great one.

Uniquely yours

Only Firefox for Android offers this many ways to make your mobile browsing experience truly your own.

Smarter sharing for all

The most adaptive way to share anything, Quick Share remembers your most recently used apps to help you get the word out just the way you want.

All your faves, front and center

Customize your Home panels with any Web content you want and access your favorite feeds — like Instagram and Pocket Hits — instantly.

A touch more personal

Display your Home panels in any order you like or add, hide and delete them as you see fit to keep your favorites one touch away.

Any search you like

Add any search engine and make it your default. Or change it any time to the one that best matches your search and privacy needs.

Read and save articles easily

Enjoy a more pleasant reading experience with Reader View and Reading List. Access your saved articles even when you’re not online.

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Change your language

Change your browser language quickly and easily, without having to change
the settings for your entire device or even restart your browser.

To download yours now, kindly click here immediately on your smartphone or tablet

Editor; EDEM ANIEKAN 29/01/2019