Top 15 Examination Question And Answer On Health And Medicine For Medical Students

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and does not consist only of the absence of disease or infirmity” (source) Though this is a useful definition, some would consider it idealistic and non-realistic because using the WHO definition classifies 70-95% of people as unhealthy.

There can also be other definitions of health, e.g. statistical (systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure) and functional (ability to carry out Activities of Daily Living or ADLs). The WHO definition also overlooks the fact that several factors influence both the definition of health and standards of health. But in this article, we will be concern about the Top 15 examination question and answer on health and medicine for medical students.

Top 15 Examination Question And Answer On Health And Medicine For Medical Students


How should hypothermia victims be treated?


A person who is experiencing hypothermia must be warmed up, as their core temperature has fallen below 95 degrees. Move and handle the person gently. If possible, get them someplace warm, out of the wind and elements. Remove any wet clothing and wrap the person in warm blankets, insulating them from the ground. Focus on keeping the head, neck and core well-insulated, as these areas hold the vital organs. The extremities are secondary in importance. If possible, use heating devices or heated blankets to gradually warm the victim up, but do not do so too quickly because that can cause risks to the person as well. Give the person a warm drink. Monitor breathing, and if the victim is not breathing call 911 and begin CPR immediately.


How does hyperventilation affect blood pH?


Hyperventilation causes the pH level of the blood to rise. pH measures acidity levels and low pH indicates high acidity. So when pH levels in the blood rise, the blood is actually becoming less acidic. This is because the faster than normal intake of oxygen is reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. The body tries to compensate for this by producing more CO2, and the process of CO2 creation lowers blood acidity levels.


What is trunk as a medical term?


Trunk and torso are terms in anatomy and physiology that refer to the center of the body. The central trunk of the body is where the extremities (arms and legs) and head extend from. The trunk/torso of the body includes the thorax and the abdomen of which there are medical terms that define them.

Combining form word part – thorac/o meaning chest.

Suffix word part – -thorax meaning chest; pleural cavity.

Combining form word part – pector/o meaning chest.

Combining form word part – steth/o meaning chest.

Combining form word part – abdomin/o meaning abdomen.


What is the medical term for excessive urination?


The medical term for excessive urination is polyuria.

The word ‘polyuria’ can be broken up into two-word parts. The word part ‘poly-‘ means excessive, many, or much. The word part ‘urin/o’ means urine.

Polyuria usually refers to the excessive production of dilute urine and is one of the primary symptoms of diabetes, although it can be related to other conditions or caused by something as simple as drinking too much liquid in a similar time frame. In adults, polyuria is characterized as the production of more than 2.5-3 liters of urine in a 24-hour period.


What is the medical term for inflammation of bone?

Answer :

Osteitis is the inflammation of bone.

Combining the word part oste/o, meaning bone, with the suffix -itis, meaning inflammation, you get osteitis.

Osteomyelitis is the inflammation of bone marrow and the bone that surrounds it. This condition is usually due to infection. To get this medical term, we combine the word parts – oste/o (meaning bone), myel/o (meaning spinal cord; bone marrow), and the suffix -itis (meaning inflammation).


What is the medical term for excessive urination?


The medical term for excessive urination is polyuria.

The word ‘polyuria’ can be broken up into two-word parts. The word part ‘poly-‘ means excessive, many, or much. The word part ‘urin/o’ means urine.

Polyuria usually refers to the excessive production of dilute urine and is one of the primary symptoms of diabetes, although it can be related to other conditions or caused by something as simple as drinking too much liquid in a similar time frame. In adults, polyuria is characterized as the production of more than 2.5-3 liters of urine in a 24-hour period.


Where are photoreceptors located?


Photoreceptors are located in the retina at the back of the eye. They are special cells called cones and rods that absorb light. Signals are then sent to the brain for interpretation. Cones are used when light conditions are high. Rods are used when light conditions are low.


What is abruptio placentae?

Answer :

Abruptio placenta is a complication of pregnancy in which a woman’s placenta becomes detached from the uterine wall prior to delivery. It is rare, only occurring in one percent of pregnancies but can be very dangerous. Risk factors include the mother developing pre-eclampsia, smoking, taking drugs during pregnancy, trauma, or being pregnant with multiples (twins, triplets, etc.). Also called placental abruption, the main symptoms are severe pain and vaginal bleeding.


How is the central nervous system protected from injury?


The first line of defense for the brain and spinal cord are the bones that make up the skull and spinal column. The meninges and cerebrospinal fluid provide additional protection. Additionally, the blood-brain barrier helps to protect the central nervous system from chemical and biological contamination.


When a coronary artery becomes blocked, the result is?

Answer :

When a coronary artery becomes blocked, the result is a heart attack.

The medical term for a heart attack is a myocardial infarction. This occurs when the heart muscle begins to die due to lack of oxygen. Arteries become blocked when plaque builds up inside of them.


What is the outer layer of the skin?


The outer layer of skin is called the epidermis. The epidermis creates a barrier between your body and the outside environment and is what gives us our skin color. It is very important in keeping us safe and healthy by keeping out things like moisture and foreign objects, even microscopic ones like bacteria. Below that is the dermis, which is where your sweat glands are and where hair starts to grow. The deepest layer of skin is called subcutaneous tissue. It is made up of connective tissue and fat.


What are examples of flat bones?


Flat bones are named well! They are flat bones that are very strong because they are designed to provide protection to internal organs. Flat bones also provide places to which muscles are attached. Some examples of flat bones in the human body are the shoulder blades (scapula), breastbone (sternum), hip bone (os coxae) and the ribs.


The ovaries are located in what cavity?

Answer :

The ovaries are located in the pelvic cavity. You might also find this cavity referred to as the ventral cavity, the lower abdominal cavity, or the abdominopelvic cavity. It is a matter specificity.

The human body’s cavities are spaces that offer some protection to the organs. Biologists divide these cavities into two groups: ventral (front or abdominal part of the body) and dorsal (back of the body). The abdominal, thoracic, and pelvic cavities make up the ventral cavity.


Why are skin cells undergoing mitosis continuously?

Answer :

The skin cells that undergo mitosis continuously are the epidermis cells. Looking at a bisection of your skin, it is made of many layers. The two layers that make the outside layer of your skin are the dermis and the epidermis. Although the dermis contains important glands, nerves, and blood vessels, the epidermis is a very important layer because it acts as a protective barrier for the important things below.

When you scratch your skin and there is no blood present, you only harmed the epidermis layer. When your body detects this scrape, the epidermis cells go through mitosis in order to patch up the hole.


Where is the heart located?

Answer :

You can find the heart in the thoracic cavity of the human body. It can be found slightly to the left within the human chest, behind the breastbone and in front of the thoracic vertebrae of the spine.