Students’ Guide for Examinations Success’ Common Terms to Note This page , ‘Students’ Guide for Examinations Success’ consist of a comprehensively packed guide which shows researches into the reasons students continue to fail in their examination irrespective of how brilliant...
Honestly, every examination or test needs acute preparation. Making haste whilst the sun rises, is always the best strategy. Before taking such examination. This may seem a long time preparation, but note that when circumstance meet preparation, success...
Top Exam Success Tips for Every Student Top Exam Success Tips for Every Student-The problem of measuring intelligence per se is that it is an inadequate guide to human capability, and that many of the ways we use to measure...
How To Study Properly Before Any Examination and pass Without Fear When it comes to passing examination, you will have to do more than just remember information. You'll have to demonstrate a mastery of the material you've studied, showing that you understand...
Inappropriate Study Habits to Avoid In order to Pass all Exams- Are you Preparing for Jamb and University Aptitude Test Examination? Here are Top 10 Study Tips for all Students   Cramming:  Cramming to many, does not work. It often proves...
PREPARATION FOR JAMB AND APTITUDE TEST: TEN SIMPLE STUDY TIPS TO HELP STUDY AND PASS LIKE A PRO. This type of exams always opens a long term and advanced study time before its actual date. Give yourself the best chance...
Good memory is a necessary attribute brilliant students need. Students have to learn as well as memorize things to reproduce things in their own words during exams. It should be noted that by memorizing, I never mean cramming…students should...
Awakening The Desire For Learning|Study and Pass all Exams Desire for learning is the first thing study demands from you. It is your interest in it, your willingness or more exactly your thirst for learning. It is the desire or...
Preparing for For Final Examination? Here are 5 Smart Ways to do that... So we’re all about one month away from your final exams. And that means it is time to start preparing ourselves mentally for the exams ahead. If...
Top Colleges of Education in Nigeria There are 152 colleges of education in Nigeria, they include 21 federal colleges, 82 private and 49 state colleges of education. The top colleges of education in Nigeria are listed below in no particular...