Greater population of
internet gurus and webmasters don’t make enough money online or simply put
don’t even earn $2 a month with their blogs, they tend to use other means such
as minor scamming, offline sales of product and lots more.
internet gurus and webmasters don’t make enough money online or simply put
don’t even earn $2 a month with their blogs, they tend to use other means such
as minor scamming, offline sales of product and lots more.
very common and cannot be denied as the process to success is very coarse and
demanding; it takes great determination and focused to achieve a desired goal.
In this my post I shall highlight 5 reasons why I think you’re not making money
with your blog
very common and cannot be denied as the process to success is very coarse and
demanding; it takes great determination and focused to achieve a desired goal.
In this my post I shall highlight 5 reasons why I think you’re not making money
with your blog
Low Blockade of Entry
Low Blockade of Entry
start a successful career in blogging has been made simple and
easier compared to those years [6, 7 years back] where access to internet was
highly restricted and accessible only to certain VIPs and class of people. As a
result, one of blogging’s principal benefits and merits is the services it
renders to the end -mass or populace, such free facilities which include from Google and,
start a successful career in blogging has been made simple and
easier compared to those years [6, 7 years back] where access to internet was
highly restricted and accessible only to certain VIPs and class of people. As a
result, one of blogging’s principal benefits and merits is the services it
renders to the end -mass or populace, such free facilities which include from Google and,
bloggers can figuratively begin a blog with zero dollars. If you want a
bloggers can figuratively begin a blog with zero dollars. If you want a
professional look, a new domain name cost only $12 yearly, so you can guess how
much it will be in a month.
professional look, a new domain name cost only $12 yearly, so you can guess how
much it will be in a month.
don’t Take Blogging Seriously
don’t Take Blogging Seriously
people begin their blogs for entertaining and not to make money.
people begin their blogs for entertaining and not to make money.
is how popular blogger John Chow began. But gradually it has metamorphosed into
a great money making empire,
is how popular blogger John Chow began. But gradually it has metamorphosed into
a great money making empire,
most bloggers work on their blogs for fun and excitement, they do not take it
as seriously as they should. Many are doing the “Let’s
most bloggers work on their blogs for fun and excitement, they do not take it
as seriously as they should. Many are doing the “Let’s
this a try and see what materializes” method. If the blog
this a try and see what materializes” method. If the blog
money, great! If not, oh well. With that kind of assertiveness,
money, great! If not, oh well. With that kind of assertiveness,
it is
not hard to comprehend why so many bloggers do not
not hard to comprehend why so many bloggers do not
income by blogging.
income by blogging.
Blogging For
Money First
Money First
must have it at the back of your mind that Blogging is not a get-rich-quick
organization or structure. It takes years or a long time before you
can establish the adhesive friction needed to build up a
must have it at the back of your mind that Blogging is not a get-rich-quick
organization or structure. It takes years or a long time before you
can establish the adhesive friction needed to build up a
share. It takes steadiness and a lot of desire, passion and hunger for your
subject matter or topic. However, many people will get into blogging because
they see popular great bloggers like pat flyn, johnchow, Nagi make
hundreds of thousands of dollars from it.
share. It takes steadiness and a lot of desire, passion and hunger for your
subject matter or topic. However, many people will get into blogging because
they see popular great bloggers like pat flyn, johnchow, Nagi make
hundreds of thousands of dollars from it.
usually take place is they end up blogging about a topic
usually take place is they end up blogging about a topic
because they enjoy it or are passionate about it. They
because they enjoy it or are passionate about it. They
the topic because it is the existing scorching/hot niche topic and
the topic because it is the existing scorching/hot niche topic and
make them the most money. This is a sure fire recipe for
make them the most money. This is a sure fire recipe for
I write what I want to write about.
I write what I want to write about.
I am passionate about. I do not blog for the money only.
I am passionate about. I do not blog for the money only.
your blog Like a Business
your blog Like a Business
wondered or imagine you setting up a business worth 500,000 and decides to leave
it the way it is and not accessing its daily revenue and performance ratio. It
will definitely result in zero return, or the business will crumble before you
know it. The same applies to blogs, Or opening a day –to- day shopping complex,
keeping close watch on the day- to -day sales and see your output, definitely
they will be great result if your graph is plotted properly. Most
blogs never get out of the relaxation stage. A moneymaking blog is a commerce
or business and it should be treated as such. Consider Nagi and pat flyn they
still see their blogs as their hobby but route the blog as a full blown
amalgamated business. The blog has its own set of books and bank accounts. All
incomes and expenses are
wondered or imagine you setting up a business worth 500,000 and decides to leave
it the way it is and not accessing its daily revenue and performance ratio. It
will definitely result in zero return, or the business will crumble before you
know it. The same applies to blogs, Or opening a day –to- day shopping complex,
keeping close watch on the day- to -day sales and see your output, definitely
they will be great result if your graph is plotted properly. Most
blogs never get out of the relaxation stage. A moneymaking blog is a commerce
or business and it should be treated as such. Consider Nagi and pat flyn they
still see their blogs as their hobby but route the blog as a full blown
amalgamated business. The blog has its own set of books and bank accounts. All
incomes and expenses are
and accounted for and it files a yearly tax return. In other words, the blog is
a real business. You can imagine what am saying!!!
and accounted for and it files a yearly tax return. In other words, the blog is
a real business. You can imagine what am saying!!!
your really interested in making money by blogging, you need to get
your really interested in making money by blogging, you need to get
about it and treat your blog like a real business.
about it and treat your blog like a real business.
is a not a fly-by-night or get-rich-quick system. Like
is a not a fly-by-night or get-rich-quick system. Like
business, it takes time, money and commitment to build.
business, it takes time, money and commitment to build.
currently my blog barely earns 1000 daily pvs but am still inspired and geared
up, knowing consistency and dedication is the key.
currently my blog barely earns 1000 daily pvs but am still inspired and geared
up, knowing consistency and dedication is the key.
I am
currently treating my blog like I treat my other business.
currently treating my blog like I treat my other business.
note; Success is never by accident. All the big
note; Success is never by accident. All the big
bloggers did not get there by luck or taking the
bloggers did not get there by luck or taking the
of easy in and easy out. They got there by taking their
of easy in and easy out. They got there by taking their
seriously and treating their blog like a real business.
seriously and treating their blog like a real business.
should too.
should too.
Content ;
If your blog content is poor and full of copy and past work, therefore your no
were near making money from such blog, you have to build and improve you skills
in writing quality and unique content specific to your niche and treat it as a
real business. let readers comprehend and give positive comments on your post
Content ;
If your blog content is poor and full of copy and past work, therefore your no
were near making money from such blog, you have to build and improve you skills
in writing quality and unique content specific to your niche and treat it as a
real business. let readers comprehend and give positive comments on your post
Research ;
For success to be achieved in blogging, you must develop a good research
strategy, be it keywords, content, and marketing. Try to do your research work
properly and see the outcome, no successful blogger today slept and ended up
becoming giant and brick walls in the blogosphere. this huge success were all
achieve by persistent research and quality hardwork.
Research ;
For success to be achieved in blogging, you must develop a good research
strategy, be it keywords, content, and marketing. Try to do your research work
properly and see the outcome, no successful blogger today slept and ended up
becoming giant and brick walls in the blogosphere. this huge success were all
achieve by persistent research and quality hardwork.
hear your comments and contribution, thanks
hear your comments and contribution, thanks