bloggers today are successful because they follow the footsteps of great
bloggers, I have been following my mentors such as John chow, Kulwant Nagi, Dnish and hope to
emulate their success at the end. One important thing in blogging is that after
learning the secret of successful bloggers it’s important to do research each
time you’re thinking about starting something new.
Blogging is no exception, and much of what I’ve learned so far
is coming from people who have been in the industry for years.
We are fortunate and lucky they share their experiences
allowing us to streamline what we’re trying to do avoid the pitfalls and rough
surfaces along the way.
For instance, starting a virgin blog can be very demanding
and difficult because you have so many options when it comes to hosting,
marketing and writing content.
Imagine the amount of time you’ll waste trying every approach
before finding the one which works well. That’s the reason why it’s imperative to
have a mentor who’ll be able to show you what works and what doesn’t allowing
you to generate massive blog success.
Based on my research, I have noticed that there are approximately “10”
quick tips which will get you moving in the right direction. Let’s Quickly
look at them .
1) Begin by Building Email List.
effective email list the percentage of returning or come back visitors you can generate
through an email list is enormous and interesting. It’s important you start
implementing this strategy from day-1 so that you build a solid foundation of
people who come back regularly. With a list, you become less dependent on
external sources of traffic which are often inaccurate and expensive.
You can Imagine spending hundreds of dollars each month to
drive traffic to your blog when you can have people returning for free.
Understand effectively that with a growing email list you are increasing the
chances of someone purchasing a product or sharing your content each time they
come back to your blog.
Setting up an email list is NOT difficult or problematic as
you have many options available. These platforms provide complete solution, so
I assure you strongly that you don’t. Have any problem once you sign-up with
them. and have a growing
reputation and are very credible.
2) Try Writing Down Post Ideas .
section in blogging or among bloggers is the consistency in designing or
creating new unique contents, things you need to understand when growing your
blog is consistently coming up with unique content ideas. People come back to
your blog to find fresh new content and when they don’t it can push them away.
Carry around Pc System with you or use your mobile off pad to
write down ideas as they come to you and as you recall, before you easily
forget. Many times you’ll think of post ideas as your walking down the street
or browsing online so have a handy tool ready to write them down immediately.
Be careful! If you don’t write them down immediately you might forget them,
which means
“1 more lesser content idea gone down the drain.
3.You need SEO Basics If your a blog owner.
Like one of my recent post about Search engine optimizationfor bloggers. It’s imperative to know the basics of SEO. Having a clear and
unique knowledge of the basics will help you optimize your pages and content
for organic rankings. It’s no secret organic traffic can be vital to a blogs
success because it’s free targeted traffic which can convert to sales and
leads. However, if you don’t know the fundamentals hiring someone to do the
work for you can get very expensive.
A good SEO company charges anywhere from $500/mo – 1000/ mo
which can be very expensive for someone whose just starting out.
The good news is that bloggers who’ve been in the industry for
years have done a great job providing free resources.
If you type in “SEO basics” in Google you’ll receive thousands
of search results all providing you with the information you need. Take some
time and learn just the basics so you can apply it to your blog as you create
pages and publish content because it will help you alot.
4. Add Social Buttons .
media can generate massive traffic so it’s important you start utilizing it
right away without wasting time.
People love sharing unique high quality content so encourage
visitors to share by adding buttons above and below your content. If you know
that approximately 700 million people are on Facebook? You can guess what I
meant. Having social buttons on your blog gives you access to these people
which can create enormous interface and engagement for your content.
So many People who visit your blog represent a massive
marketing privilege, so take advantage of this right away or you’ll miss out on
huge traffic actualization. If you are using blogging platforms you can simply
add buttons by installing a plug-in.
Most significantly , make sure you use plug-ins which give you
access to all the major social networks like Facebook, Twitter, linkedin and
Google +.
5. Network With Pro Bloggers.
specific area, you know your going to have series of competition. There are two
ways you can approach this situation: First, you can try to compete with them ,
but be rest assured you will be up against some bloggers who have been in the
industry for several years with lots of experience, so play wise and safe.
Secondly, you need to work with them to enable you grow your
blog gradually.
Your goal or primary objective is to make a list of the top
bloggers within your niche and start a reach-out campaign with them.
Reason been that, The strategy is simple. You can write or
draft quality content for them and have them promote it to thousands of active
readers. The ones I’ve seen succeed the fastest are the ones which band
together and share ideas. One of the best strategies which you’ll learn later
is “guest blogging” because it can drive enormous “relevant” traffic to your
blog. According to my mentor Johnchow. In his post on SEO.
6) Regular Posting is Vital.
your freshly prepared and published content/ write up.
Keeping a regular posting schedule is important for growing
your blog and building loyalty from your readers.
One of the toughest things to overcome is the inability to
consistently write fresh new content. Imagine having a visitor come to your
blog, read content they enjoy and leave because no new content has been
published since. Google has even added a “freshness” update to their algorithm
so people who consistently publish content will enjoy higher page rankings
within the SERP’s. The more content produced by a blogger means more frequent
indexing by search engines.
Here are some tips you can implement into your writing to
produce quality content more frequently… First, don’t. Over publish or try to
impress Google because setting a schedule where you publish 8 times a week is
Keep something which is simple and will allow you to publish
high quality content.
A good rule of posting to follow is 3-4 times per month.
Next, plan ahead so you’ll know what to expect when you sit
down to write. You can create an outline and write down minor headings to
streamline your content writing.
Another great strategy is to spread out your writing so you
don’t get tired writing 1200+ words in one sitting. Get in the habit of writing
300 words daily and after 4 days you’ll have 1200 words of high quality
5.Don’t Copy :
from other professional bloggers site, this is bad and it has negative impact
on your search engine optimization, if you have to get content from your
mentor, endevour to reference him or her in your post. Doing this constantly will
lower your Page rank by Google! If you want to go far in blogging, spending
time writing or editing your own content will just be enough I assure you that,
everybody in one area or the other may have plagiarised contents but they try
to streamline and edit it so it looks totally different from were it was gotten
from and in most cases try to reference the source. So directly copying content
and pasting in your new site is prohibited by Google and will do you no good
than harm.
7) Implement Guest Blogging .
The positive effect of guest blogging has never been
questioned or strongly interrogated and it can boost your traffic in one day in
a short while. The key is to find people who are in the same niche as you and
have established a solid reputation over the years. Now is the right time to
start building a list of high authority relevant blogs within your niche and
contacting them about guest blogging opportunities.
Keep in mind… When submitting “guest posts” it’s important you
submit only the best content. A rule of posting is to submit the best quality
content you would when publishing on your own blog. Make sure content is
relevant to the blog your submitting to and perform keyword research to find
“HOT” topics trending in the community.
Getting published as a guest blogger can drive enormous
relevant traffic to your blog.
Getting published on a blog with 50,000 visitors a month means
these are all potential visitors to your blog which is important when building
your brand awareness.
I know you will all take action from here, thanks for your