How to Use a Custom Domain Name for your Blog?

Here is a complete guide on How to  Use a Custom Domain Name for your  Blog.

You can now easily use a custom domain name for  all  your blogs. If you are a newbie blogger or in the mid phase of blogging, issues like this can be extremely problematic.
Dont worry much, as this can now be done easily without much stress. Bloggers  can now with ease, transfer their free hosted blogs on to their self-hosted domain. Unlike before when it is rather difficult or not easily done. Note, getting your own custom domain name is very important and will help, for those that have not done it. In some cases, bloggers consider lack of fund as a major impediment, but I strongly believe that you don’t have to wait until you have much money before getting a custom domain name for your blog.
My candid advice is don’t hesitate to effect this change immediately.

There are two ways you can publish your blog on Blogger – either by hosting it on Blogspot ( or hosting on your own custom domain ( or You can change where your blog is published at any time, and it won’t cause you to lose any content on your site.


Purchase a custom domain.

Before you move your blog to a custom domain, you need to have already purchased a custom domain from another provider.

There are many companies you can buy domain names from, including:


Note Carefully: If you’re  residing in the United States, you can
also integrate Google Domains with Blogger.


If your major or minor site’s content is in  poles apart language and you’d like to purchase a country-specific custom domain name, you can do a search to find local registrars.


For example, if your blog is in Spain and you’d like a www.example.esp domain, try searching for [domain registrar in Spain].


Next, set up your domain with your blog, and that’s all. You can host on a top level domain or  Sub-domain


Where would you like to host your blog?
On a top level domain e.g

On a subdomain like this one or

After you’ve purchased your custom
domain, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to your blog and click on Basics under the Settings tab. In the “Publishing” section, click the link to add a custom domain.
Type the URL of the domain you’ve purchased, keeping in mind that it must begin with www in order to work.
3.  Click Save.
You should see an error, and two CNAMEs
listed below. Each CNAME is composed of two parts – Name, Label or Host and Destination,Target or Points to. The first CNAME is the same for everyone, Name being “www” and Destination “” The second CNAME
is particular to your blog and your Google Account, and is therefore
different for each person.
5. Go to your domain registrar’s website and locate the DNS (Domain Name System) settings in the control panel.
6.  Now it’s time to enter the CNAMEs. Where it says Name, Label or Host simply enter “www” and list as the Destination, Target or Points to.
Now enter the second CNAME in the same way.
VERY IMPORTANT : Now we have to create 4 more records in a similar fashion. The details to fill up while creating the records are as below;
Sl #
Record Type
Points to
1 Hour
1 Hour
1 Hour
1 Hour
——————————————————–Once you are through or done, you should see only 4 records under the A Host section and those should be as shown clearly above.   Any other A record shown under the A Host section should be deleted using the Delete icon under  Actions(This step is very important)
How do I use a custom domain name for my blog?    Now click on “Save Changes
You are now Done with the necessary settings. You
now have to configure your Blogger blog to publish to this new domain.
How to Use a Custom Domain Name for your  Blog?


Publishing BlogSpot blog to Custom Domain.

Now we will configure the Blogger blog to publish itself to the new Custom Domain name.

  • Login to your Blogger Dashboard and Navigate to Settings > Basic and make sure Blogger knows about your custom domain so that Google can direct readers to your blog. Just head back to Blogger and update the information
    on your Settings | Basic tab. Find the area for
    “Publishing,” and click the link to add a custom domain.
  • _________________________________
  •  That’s it! Your address will soon redirect to
    your new custom domain — be patient, as it might take up to 24 hours for the redirect to start working.
  • If you’re still seeing an error after 24 hours, it means your settings weren’t entered correctly and you should try the process a second time.

Updated: 15/09/205