Gmail account is very good, as a
matter of fact that is what i’m currently using, and setting it up is very simple, and in case you’re in doubt, just give it a trial.
matter of fact that is what i’m currently using, and setting it up is very simple, and in case you’re in doubt, just give it a trial.
To create a Gmail account: Just the
steps below
steps below
Now follow this brief illustration.
In this guide, I am going to show
you how to get started with Email by creating an account in Gmail.
you how to get started with Email by creating an account in Gmail.
Most importantly What You’ll Need:
You must have your PC computer system ready with internet access/connection preferably 3G Network, to be able to effectively create this Gmail account with
Follow these step-by-step
instructions to create a Gmail account;
instructions to create a Gmail account;
Step 1: Open up your Internet browser and go to the Google home
Step 2: Click on Gmail at the top right corner of the page.
Step 3: You’ll now be in the ‘Sign in’ section. Since you don’t have a
Google account yet, you need to create one. Click Create an account.
Google account yet, you need to create one. Click Create an account.
Step 4: To set up your new account, Google needs some vital information about you – your first and
last names. The ‘choose your username’ is the unique email address that you wish to use, which will be placed before ‘’. Because it needs to be distinctive,
Google may have to check the availability of any name that you decide on to make sure that no one already has it. Type an email name into the ‘choose your username’ box and then fill out the rest of your information. You will need to
ensure that the ‘I agree to the Google terms of service and Privacy Policy’ is ticked. Then click next step.
last names. The ‘choose your username’ is the unique email address that you wish to use, which will be placed before ‘’. Because it needs to be distinctive,
Google may have to check the availability of any name that you decide on to make sure that no one already has it. Type an email name into the ‘choose your username’ box and then fill out the rest of your information. You will need to
ensure that the ‘I agree to the Google terms of service and Privacy Policy’ is ticked. Then click next step.
Step 5: If the email name that you requested in is not available,
you’ll get a message saying that somebody already has that username and
offering you some alternatives. You can decide to accept one of the
alternatives or type in another name and check its availability once more. You will have to complete some of the other boxes again. You may have to do this a few times. Once you finalize your email address, it’s a good idea to make a note of it so that you can refer to it until you remember it.
you’ll get a message saying that somebody already has that username and
offering you some alternatives. You can decide to accept one of the
alternatives or type in another name and check its availability once more. You will have to complete some of the other boxes again. You may have to do this a few times. Once you finalize your email address, it’s a good idea to make a note of it so that you can refer to it until you remember it.
Step 6:
In this section now, I think
you will need to come up with a password so that you can log in securely to your account. Google may elucidate that you
should try one with at least 8 typescripts long to be protected. Use letters and numbers to make the password more secure and problematic to guess. You’ll
need to re-enter your password to guarantee that it’s you choosing it and not a hacker’s (ro)bot. This is why it also asks you to insert two random words at
the bottom of the page – this is a CAPTCHA code. You can skip this step if you don’t want to type in the CAPTCHA code but you will need to verify via a mobile phone if you don’t.
you will need to come up with a password so that you can log in securely to your account. Google may elucidate that you
should try one with at least 8 typescripts long to be protected. Use letters and numbers to make the password more secure and problematic to guess. You’ll
need to re-enter your password to guarantee that it’s you choosing it and not a hacker’s (ro)bot. This is why it also asks you to insert two random words at
the bottom of the page – this is a CAPTCHA code. You can skip this step if you don’t want to type in the CAPTCHA code but you will need to verify via a mobile phone if you don’t.
Step 7: Once you have completed this page fully, clicking Next
Step will take you to the Create Profile Page. If you don’t wish to have a picture on the web, click Next Step to complete setting up your email.
Step will take you to the Create Profile Page. If you don’t wish to have a picture on the web, click Next Step to complete setting up your email.
I hope you enjoyed the post. Leave your questions, corrections and suggestions in the comment box. Thanks!
_________________________Edited by Moyinoluwa on January 31st, 2019.