How To Start a Successful Blog in 2016
For long, I have taught it wise enough to present such a guide in order to assist newbie bloggers achieve their their set objective in the blogging sphere. There are lots of People who want to start blogs but don’t know where to start; and as such they can learn the basics from here.
So this article is going to show the exact direction which was used in building this successful blog. The direction which you can replicate to build a blog much bigger than this blog.
So let’s dive into it.
1. First Thing First
If you want to start a successful blog,the ultimate thing is to know what is first to be done. Which means you will have to find your knowledge, passion, interest or enthusiasm. Any profitable niche which you can excel efficaciously without having to plagiarize.
This particular topic could be starting a blogging niche, science and tech niche,job and employment niche, programming language which you are already using in your company and excelling vastly, it could be specific job category (like marketing, HR manager etc.) or this could be your passion for iPhone, smartphones, Androids and Samsung. It might interest you to know that most new bloggers who started for the sole purpose of making money, end up frustrated within two months.There are lots of reasons why some bloggers don’t make money. So try and discover what you can truly offer to your proposed readers.
You might be interested in reading the-Top 5 Most Profitable Niches to Start Blogging and Make Money.
Try to discover that hidden passion which will never make you feel like a chatterbox. A passion on which you can write (without thinking about money) for the next 6 months. A passion which can help the world to solve their problems.
2. Get a Domain Name For Your Blog/Website
The domain name here is the name of your website.For example the names you commonly see such as,,, or any name of a website are called domain names. Hope you got that!!
Companies like Domainking,GoDaddy, NameCheap are among the top domain providers/companies, although other similar providers abound.
So you’ll have to open any of the websites listed above to find the perfect domain name for your business.
For Example;I searched for the domain name and luckily it was available. After finding a suitable domain name for your business you can proceed for the registration process on the site and make the payment via your Debit/Credit card.
Few things to keep in mind before buying domain names:
Try Short Name: Short names are easy to remember and recommend. So when your friend ask for the name of your website, it will be easy for you to tell the names as well as, very easy for him to remember.
Your blog will have some texts, images, videos and many other things. Where are you going to store all those datas/information on the Internet?
Here comes the role of web hosting. A hosting is an online server which helps you to store your important data.
So the domain which you have successfully bought online will be the name of your website, and all the data of contain in the website will be warehoused on the server (called hosting).
Tiny Plan – $29.75
Small Plan – $42.50
Medium Plan – $85.00
Large Plan – $170.00
4. Content Management System
This system will practically help you to add content on your blog. After the creation of your new domain, the next thing is to create good content for your about to be published articles. If you look properly, you will noticed that i am currently using the ultimate blog-spot platform to host my blog,
- This is the mostly used CMS in the world for blogging, all for beginners and professionals
- This is an open source platform where you can develop anything you want.
- You can install new design on just a single click.
- Management of this platform is very easy.
- Many hosting provider gives one click installation of various themes from the admin dashboard and template board.
Although some bloggers prefers WordPress , seriously, its preferable to some extent, WordPress is one of the top content management systems in the world having over 60 millions websites in the world running on it.Its platform is as simple as working with Microsoft Word.
They have given awesome visual editor which you can use to do various activities like bold, italic, underline, hyperlink, color, font, font size etc.
5. Grab All Social Media Identities
Pro bloggers have variety of social networking accounts for easy communication with their followers and subscribers. Almost all big companies have integrated social media in their business.
They are launching their products completely on social media sites and interacting with their customers unswervingly for efficacious output. So the very first task after buying domain, hosting and setting up your blogger account is grabbing all your social media identities.
You can check the availability of your business by going to
6. Find a Perfect Theme
They are mountains of beautiful themes in blogger and most importantly WordPress has loads of themes. You can pick the theme as per your blog’s category and install it easily.
You can check the guide to install a WordPress theme here. I personally recommend Genesis, MyThemeShop and ThemeForest for finding a perfect theme for your blog. On ThemeForest you can select the theme from various categories like creative, blog, retail, entertainment, technology, real estate, education and other categories.
Few things to keep in mind before buying WordPress theme
- Make sure that you are buying unlimited sites licence.
- Theme must be easy to manage.
- Theme must have compatible with latest version of WordPress.
- Theme must be responsive (capable to change layout on mobile device).
- Theme must suit your blog’s category.
7. Start Writing immediately
The next step is to start writing; from today. Your blog is nothing without you. And all you need to do after the hard work in establishment your blog is to start writing quality post.
No matter how good you are in English, no matter how much knowledge you have about your subject, and no matter how you feel about your writing, your blog will grow only and only when you start writing.
Note that it’s a gradual process, With time you’ll start getting writing ideas and your readers will start enjoying/reading what you have to say.
Get help from your friends, read more about your subject, pay attention to the newspaper and start collecting the fresh ideas about your subject. You are just one step away to open the door of blogging .
Get your Domain Now and start blogging for real