enhanced mobile phone. Everybody have been tutored on how to Use Whatsapp On
PC system, We have establish a
way of using android emulator on pc ,but people still hate the stress of
downloading Bluestacks, there could be many explanations why people want this,
for me exclusively, it’s just to make sure i keep regular connection with friends and
family while working. Picking up my phone just to reply one message is a bit
too tasking and distracting. Thats why i always prefer Skype when am in the
But one good thing about whatsapp that
makes them so unique is that as a company they don’t turn mute on relevant
You can now connect with your WhatsApp contact directly on your Mac or windows
PC using an official WhatsApp messenger without going through any tricks or
downloading any app. All you need is just to have the latest version of
Whatsapp app working on your mobile phone.In this post today, I will be showing you how to use Whatsapp on PC
How To Use Whatsapp on Computer /Laptop
Go over to web.whatsapp.com on your desktop.
On the page, you will see a QR Code which you will need to scan
Once you are on the page, Now pick your mobile phone,
then scan the QR code with the whatsapp QR Scanner, To do this follow the steps
Android = Open WhatsApp – menu – Whatsapp Web Blackberry = Open WhatsApp – Chats – Whatsapp Web Nokia S60 = Open WhatsApp – menu – Whatsapp Web Window Phone = Open WhatsApp – menu – Whatsapp Web |
top of screen – Whatsapp Web Once you do that you will be automatically logged
in and you will be able to instantly send or receive messages to any of your
WhatsApp contacts from the computer.
The whatsapp desktop / browser app supports desktop notifications in Google
Chrome which means you get notified once messages come into your chat. So you
don’t need to keep staring at your chat for a reply. And also, you have the
ability to send picture directly from your device.
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But one bad thing is that, you mobile phone has to be connected to the internet
while using the Whatsapp messenger for webs, so you can put off your phone and
use whatsapp on your Pc
zoom in or get a better-quality version of your contact’s profile picture, You
can just right-click on the profile picture of any WhatsApp contact, and then
copy the link address, You will get so something like is
Here the green string represents the contact’s phone number, while the red
string (t=s) is the size of the image, you can change the size by changing s to
L. (S= Small, L= Large).
please, kindly share with friends and family members. Lets have your comments below. In case you have any additional information, don’t hesitate to share with everyone.
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