on tuesday announced its intention to develop new games for smartphones and
tablets. Nintendo had always stated that
it will not take its much loved video game characters including Mario and Zelda
to tablets and smartphones which a lot of people now use in playing games.
This will be done in conjunction with a Japanese company DeNA. This was
revealed by the president of the company, Satoru Iwata. Existing games that was
built for other Nintendo platforms such as Wii U and 3DS will not be
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Nintendo will concentrate on the development of the new smartphone games while
DeNA will deal with the servicing aspect, as they have extensive knowledge in
An online membership service will also be launched by Nintendo and DeNA. This
will give their members access to their account across multiple platforms
including smartphones, personal computers and Nintendo’s gaming system.
DeNA business is primarily built on free to play mobile games but the president
of Nintendo, Iwata has not confirmed if that is Nintendo’s intention as well, although
Nintendo has experimented with free games before like it did with the game
Pokemans Shuffle on 3DS. Nintendo also gave the assurance that it is not going
to abandon console games totally.
The president of Nintendo, Iwata said more details about the product which has
been code named NX will be revealed next year.
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Nintendo was already losing its customer base as the kids who were introduced
to Nintendo games at early ages were now being introduced to mobile games such
as angry birds and minecraft.
The sales and profit of Nintendo had over the years dropped as game playing on
smartphones and tablets increased. Mobile games are cheaper than Nintendo games
most especially the free games that are available on mobile phones.
Though Nintendo has enjoyed a lot of success with its device but they are more
limited than the modern smartphones. Nintendo which was founded by Fusajiro
Yamauchi had started out in the late 1800s as a manufacturer of Japanese
playing cards in Kyoto, it was his successor that started the manufacturing of
toys and video games. Shigeru Miyamoto, a student product developer hired by
Nintendo was the one that produced their best selling games of all time Mario,
Donkey Kong and Zelda.
Nintendo, though late in entering the mobile market can still be successful in
mobile gaming, this is because their cartoony playful graphics can easily be
adapted to smartphones and tablets within a short period of time.
seems investors are happy with this latest development from Nintendo not
minding the timing as a lot of buy orders has bid up the company’s stock price
by its daily limit of 3000 yen in Tokyo on Wednesday.