A team of Scientists biohack team from the United States may
have made a breakthrough as they have set out to create eye drops that will
help people see much better at night.
have made a breakthrough as they have set out to create eye drops that will
help people see much better at night.
Biohack are a team of scientists and
researchers that do experiments and tests at home or in doors instead of doing
them in a lab.
Eye drops that grant night vision may sound like the stuff of fiction,
but a small group of independent scientists in Tehachapi, California may
have proven it possible.
researchers that do experiments and tests at home or in doors instead of doing
them in a lab.
Eye drops that grant night vision may sound like the stuff of fiction,
but a small group of independent scientists in Tehachapi, California may
have proven it possible.
Picture this, being able to see clearly in the dark and at
night and also during the night you can also view far objects easily without
any problems and without any special effects to aid your vision. This may seem
and sound unbelievable and probably impossible, but thanks to a group of
scientists and researchers this may and could be possible very soon.
night and also during the night you can also view far objects easily without
any problems and without any special effects to aid your vision. This may seem
and sound unbelievable and probably impossible, but thanks to a group of
scientists and researchers this may and could be possible very soon.
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The biohack team has been working on this experiment for some
time now using the inner-eye NV technology and recently tested their experiment
for the first time on a human being
time now using the inner-eye NV technology and recently tested their experiment
for the first time on a human being
Releasing their findings and results online, the team stated
they were able to convince another researcher Gabriel Licina to be the “guinea
pig” for this experiment. For this experiment the following items were used, Chlorin
e6 (Ce6), a tetrapyrolle and a chlorophyll analog which has been used for a lot
of years for treating loss of eye sight and cancer.
they were able to convince another researcher Gabriel Licina to be the “guinea
pig” for this experiment. For this experiment the following items were used, Chlorin
e6 (Ce6), a tetrapyrolle and a chlorophyll analog which has been used for a lot
of years for treating loss of eye sight and cancer.
According to Mic, Ce6 has a
lot of NV properties due to the way it absorbs light a lot in the red spectral
region. The team knew that this had been used in experimental tests with
animals which had relatively gone well and decided it was time to use it in testing
on human beings.
lot of NV properties due to the way it absorbs light a lot in the red spectral
region. The team knew that this had been used in experimental tests with
animals which had relatively gone well and decided it was time to use it in testing
on human beings.
As part of the process for the
experiment, Licina was given fifty micro liters of Ce6, in his eyes by using
eye drops with the aim of getting it into the sac in the eyes which helps the
chemicals get to the retina, which means Licina had NV capabilities. Licina
then had to wait for some time for the Ce6 to start working and while waiting
he had eye protectors on his eyes to prevent the light spoiling them.
experiment, Licina was given fifty micro liters of Ce6, in his eyes by using
eye drops with the aim of getting it into the sac in the eyes which helps the
chemicals get to the retina, which means Licina had NV capabilities. Licina
then had to wait for some time for the Ce6 to start working and while waiting
he had eye protectors on his eyes to prevent the light spoiling them.
Now the moment came to test
the process and experiment to see if it works. After about two hours the
research team took Licina into a dark room to test the experiment and at first
objects and items were placed about 10 meters from him in the dark which he
could see very well. Bit by bit objects were place farther away from him and he
was still able to see them.
the process and experiment to see if it works. After about two hours the
research team took Licina into a dark room to test the experiment and at first
objects and items were placed about 10 meters from him in the dark which he
could see very well. Bit by bit objects were place farther away from him and he
was still able to see them.
With this done and with the
experiment seeming to be successful, another test was done and this time it was
done outside in the open. Licina was taken to a nearby forest and he was tested
on how far he could see people and it was noticed he could see people from a
distance of about fifty meters.
experiment seeming to be successful, another test was done and this time it was
done outside in the open. Licina was taken to a nearby forest and he was tested
on how far he could see people and it was noticed he could see people from a
distance of about fifty meters.
The improved night vision
lasted for some time, for some hours and cleared up the next day with the eye
returning to its normal state. What was also noticed was that while Licini’s vision
was 100%, members of the research team could not see clearly half or less of
what he was seeing.
lasted for some time, for some hours and cleared up the next day with the eye
returning to its normal state. What was also noticed was that while Licini’s vision
was 100%, members of the research team could not see clearly half or less of
what he was seeing.
Speaking on the process and
experiment, the medical officer of the team, Jeffrey Tibbetts said:
experiment, the medical officer of the team, Jeffrey Tibbetts said:
“For us, it comes
down to pursuing thing that are doable but won’t be pursued by major
corporations, There are rules to be followed and don’t go crazy, but sience
isn’t a mystical language that only a few elite people can speak.”
down to pursuing thing that are doable but won’t be pursued by major
corporations, There are rules to be followed and don’t go crazy, but sience
isn’t a mystical language that only a few elite people can speak.”
There are a lot of
advantages of improved night vision, but the research team agrees there is
still some work and research to be done especially concerning the possible long
term effects on the eyes, therefore more tests will be done in the
advantages of improved night vision, but the research team agrees there is
still some work and research to be done especially concerning the possible long
term effects on the eyes, therefore more tests will be done in the