Depression among women and teenagers in today’s life is inevitable. Life throws
a lot of challenges at people daily, leading to having to cope with and manage
a lot of situations. People cope with problems and challenges in different
ways, but when problems take over our lives and leaves us in despair making us
feel worthless, empty, restless, lonely and sad, depression may be setting in.
a lot of challenges at people daily, leading to having to cope with and manage
a lot of situations. People cope with problems and challenges in different
ways, but when problems take over our lives and leaves us in despair making us
feel worthless, empty, restless, lonely and sad, depression may be setting in.
The word
depression is often used to describe feelings such as sadness and loneliness, a
bad day at work, failing an exam, missing someone among other things leads
people to saying they are depressed.
depression is often used to describe feelings such as sadness and loneliness, a
bad day at work, failing an exam, missing someone among other things leads
people to saying they are depressed.
Finding out
how you truly feel especially if it goes on for a long time can allow you to
determine if you are suffering from depression or a more difficult depressive
disorder and enable you seek help in dealing with it.
how you truly feel especially if it goes on for a long time can allow you to
determine if you are suffering from depression or a more difficult depressive
disorder and enable you seek help in dealing with it.
Below are
some warning signs of depression that people should not ignore and take
some warning signs of depression that people should not ignore and take
you are a wreck and your feelings are all over the place. One minute you are
annoyed another minute you are happy and fine with no rational reasons behind
these actions and feelings. Also you tend to feel hopeless and less happy with
life generally.
you are a wreck and your feelings are all over the place. One minute you are
annoyed another minute you are happy and fine with no rational reasons behind
these actions and feelings. Also you tend to feel hopeless and less happy with
life generally.
One day you
just find out that you are gradually losing or have lost interest in what you
normally love doing. The sporting activities you love doing, your time hanging
out with friends and other activities become harder and stressful to do and you
now consider them boring as you prefer to just be on your own.
just find out that you are gradually losing or have lost interest in what you
normally love doing. The sporting activities you love doing, your time hanging
out with friends and other activities become harder and stressful to do and you
now consider them boring as you prefer to just be on your own.
could be a major reason why you feel no more interested in doing those
activities that would normally love to do. Depression often leads to an
individual always feeling tired and lacking energy, you feel like just sleeping
all the time and in some cases not having enough sleep which makes you always
could be a major reason why you feel no more interested in doing those
activities that would normally love to do. Depression often leads to an
individual always feeling tired and lacking energy, you feel like just sleeping
all the time and in some cases not having enough sleep which makes you always
There are
people that actually plan to lose or gain weight, but in a situation where you
are losing or gaining weight extensively without planning for it, this could
actually be as a result of depression. We all cope with situations in different
ways, there are people in order to cope with their feelings turn to food to
find relief and thus gain weight, while there are others that are so down that
they can not even eat as food becomes an issue for them and because of this
they lose weight.
people that actually plan to lose or gain weight, but in a situation where you
are losing or gaining weight extensively without planning for it, this could
actually be as a result of depression. We all cope with situations in different
ways, there are people in order to cope with their feelings turn to food to
find relief and thus gain weight, while there are others that are so down that
they can not even eat as food becomes an issue for them and because of this
they lose weight.
People when
depressed tend to feel pains more often. These pains are usually felt in the
back, stomach and joints. There are neurotransmitters in the body that can
influence the neurological and biological processes that can cause pain.
depressed tend to feel pains more often. These pains are usually felt in the
back, stomach and joints. There are neurotransmitters in the body that can
influence the neurological and biological processes that can cause pain.
People that
are depressed can perceive pains differently, as pain signals from the body
that will be over looked normally will now be noticed more by depressed
are depressed can perceive pains differently, as pain signals from the body
that will be over looked normally will now be noticed more by depressed
There are
many people out there suffering from depression, the good thing is that there
are various types of ways to help these people and help them live a fulfilling
life. Therefore people who may be experiencing such signs should seek medical
attention to know what is wrong with them.
many people out there suffering from depression, the good thing is that there
are various types of ways to help these people and help them live a fulfilling
life. Therefore people who may be experiencing such signs should seek medical
attention to know what is wrong with them.