Studies shows that boys plagiarize more than girls
University of Balearic Islands has conducted a research that shows that boys are more involved in plagiarism than girls.The research was carried out among secondary school students to show the level of plagiarism that occurs.
The research study was published in the journal Communication and it showed that this activity occurs a lot in secondary education and it is most common among boys. The study also reveals that for those who leave things late and rush to meet deadlines, they are more likely to be involved in this practice.
This particular issue has not had enough research done at the secondary school level, except for the little done in Spanish language. For this reason, a group of scientists from the University of Balearic Islands have decided to look into this activity and how it affects secondary school students as well as its effects on each gender and why things are not done on time by the students.
The research made its findings by investigating 1,503 students that were in their second, third and fourth year in secondary school and 1,291 in their first and second year of their Baccalaureate on the Balearic Islands. The finding revealed that a lot of plagiarism happens and occurs within secondary schools. They also found out that boys take part in a lot of
plagiarism activities more than girls and also those who are in the habit of leaving things to be done at the last moment are more prone to committing plagiarism.
plagiarism activities more than girls and also those who are in the habit of leaving things to be done at the last moment are more prone to committing plagiarism.
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Ruben Comas-Forgas, one of the researchers at the University and one of the authors of the work stated:
“The common practices are known as ‘collage plagiarism’, meaning the creation of work by copying odd fragments of text, either from digital or printed sources and including them in an academic piece without referencing them, the secondary education centers must plan for and tackle this with decisive measures to reduce and prevent this type of academic fraud”.
Findings from the research showed that last year about 81% of the students copied part of texts from websites and placed and added them to their own works and submitted them without making reference to the source. Also in another finding about 70% of the students owned up and confessed that they copied from various print sources and included them in their work without making reference to the source.
Other incidents include obtaining works done by students from previous years passing it off as their own and taking work from the internet directly and submitting and passing it off as their own.
From the findings of the research, the following points were recommended
- That teachers should do more and get involved and monitor students are they do their assignments and school work.
- Regulations and methodologies should be adapted to aid students in sourcing for information in order to instill academic values in students.
- Free online plagiarism checker with percentage can help school students to check their Paper works for plagiarism.