Starting a blog with the basic concept or idea of making money initially is like having sufficient capital at your disposal and trowing it away.
Before you can make good income from blogging, you need to select the best or top niche/community that will attract lots of people, and in return put food on your table. Most successful bloggers get paid out of their knowledge in choosing the practical and best niche for themselves.
Choosing a nice niche is not the only idea, but making it real and integrating the primary skills involved.
Selecting a good Niche will be much more profitable and will subsequently safe you from series of stress, if selected appropriately.
Deciding on a suitable niche is the foremost prototype behind a worthy blogging. Every new blogger are always presented with this challenge.
Before you start writing, you must be aware of the right niche to start with. The first step in blogging is trying to find out what reader needs from your blog, what the most profitable keywords are and how you can make money with your blogs.
So what are the Top most profitable niches one can start with?
In this post Jaysciencetech will outline 5 simple steps
on how to know the good and best niche, so you can kick start your blogging career with fun.
on how to know the good and best niche, so you can kick start your blogging career with fun.
1.Blogging Niche
A blogging tutorial Niche is a great way of transferring (or) sharing knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning process. Blogging with tutorials niche also will be a great Blog to help our readers. Everyone will be facing a problem with their blogs. Problems will be scripts, HTML, widgets, writing gadgets, SEO, etc.
These tutorials will be accommodating for many upcoming new bloggers who choose blogging as their passion..
Tutorials such as revealing eBooks, starting a blog, videos by our co-bloggers will definitely help others in correcting themselves for becoming a good blogger. Tutorials in turn will help us for earning more revenue by getting help from blogging tips and tutorials. If you are new in the blogosphere or have been there for a year or two, you should be aware of Johnchow, one of the most successful blogger, earning approximately 60,000 dollars
All he blogs about is telling people how he makes money from blogging!
This has become one of the most common and popular niches as the possibilities to earn here are huge.
2.Health Niche
Health is a state of well-being of any living thing or human being, and as a matter of fact different people romance the internet daily for health tips, Health blog can cover different health related topic such as diets, nutrition and digestion, weight control and diseases, analysis about health, business of health and health research.
Health niche is at number one in most profitable niche list.
Health Is Wealth, and disease is a state of ill health or the deviation from normal health stability.
It performances and indicators shows up as a Health Education platform, where users join forces or subsidize health
content within the standard guidelines. A health blog can be interactive, engaging with its readers in the creation of content.
content within the standard guidelines. A health blog can be interactive, engaging with its readers in the creation of content.
A health blog can grow in user size with its amazing content.
Health blogs can be generally characterized as either a subjective quarterly type or an evidence site style of blog.
The most common sub-niches include:
These sub niches will help the people a lot by getting care of the health and all together you can also earn a huge sum of money on it.
3.Technology Niche
Technology is advancement; technology has actually altered and transformed the global market at a sophisticated proportion
or frequency.
or frequency.
This niche can provide what usually people go towards and keep looking for in the technology showground. This technology niche actually shows various companies that have generalized in manufacturing and the synthesis of the gadgets.
By giving the useful information about latest gadgets and latest technology tips in this niche, can really aid for those who really want to know about the latest inventions and innovation happening in the technology.
Providing the useful and great content regarding gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets, blackberry, iPhones, iPad, android, etc can help us in generating some cash using this niche.
4.Money and Business Niche
These blogs may be actually few in number but will be of great help for other impending entrepreneurs. This niche shows and explain vividly how to earn money in online or offline by different ways. This virtually shows the ways of earning money. Every blogger want to earn few bucks but this niche will be
helpful for those who want to start a business or want to earn money in poles apart ways.
helpful for those who want to start a business or want to earn money in poles apart ways.
This niche shows us the different ways of making money or guides us to earn money. Even it will be same for business niche. This business niches especially needs experience for writing killer posts on how to start a business or how to run a business .
If you give away tips that are worthwhile, your blog will catch the attention of the users very quickly and you start your earnings.
5.Personality Development
Personal development niche provide vital information on how to improve consciousness and identity, how to develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employ-ability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.
With blogs whose content is about personal development life will be easy as a result bloggers on this niche can earn great income.
Most common sub-niches include:
This particular niche will really help to improve our individual life and brand our life expectancy with good performances and contentment. It aids in improving our skills and analyzing Pros and cons of our individual lives.
Your Portion of the Cake
Based on the blog post you’ve just read, I have shared with you the top 5 most profitable niches that are highly profitable in my opinion.
If you want me to add one or suggest something, please use the comment box below!