I’m looking for someone who can write good content for my new webpage. Its basically going to be on Science related issues which is centered on science tutorials, internet and computers,money making opportunities,dating and relationships,biology tutorials,physics tutorials and mobile phones,android phones.
This is a great privilege for anyone/writer who does not have any thing doing for now. writing quality and unique content/note is the key to online success and making some money for yourself, ensure that the topic keywords are well researched Or possibly write and send to me for review and if accepted you will be paid.
Amount i will be paying if your unique content and Article is accepted based on certain parameters is #200 Naira per Article. please the minimum your Write up should be is 450 words and above, try to include pictures in your write up.
This is no scam as Nigerians will always think of Scam when it comes to money and certain business ideas, People are now making it big online provided your focused and determined. consistency and perseverance is the key.
Take for instance if you write 5 quality articles for me in a day that is #1000. And you decide to keep it up by writing 5 every day for 30 days that is 5×30 = 150 which means 5 Articles or write up per day for 30days is equivalent or = 150×200 =30000