Now after tweaking your Android phone:
Just tweak dis imei @355741060300681
Kindly Send Join To 141 you should get approximately 500MB or 1GB or 2GB or 5GB
Please don’t draw or attract any attention if the reverse is the case…
For the Free 12GB
Tweak this imei 35410303986, auto generate the last 4 digits
After That Send MIFI to 131 and Free 3GB Will Be Given To You..
Good News: The More You Tweak the More GB You get..
MTN BBMID still rock so well on Android or PC. You
won’t have any problem with this..
How Can I Get MTN BBMID Working ON Android And PC?
>> Load your mtn sim with N100
>> Send BBMIDID to 21600
>> You’ll receive a message welcoming you to MTN BBMIDID and your have 15MB. Just ignore it.
Download simple server [DOWNLOAD HERE]
Extract the downloaded file and open the extracted
file folder, click on the & Simpler Servers.exe and run the application.
Go to setting on your Modem and configure your
Password & username: web >> Also configure your
browser and IDM to port 8080
Open your browser and start surfing and downloading.
How Can I get it Working on Android?
Download Android simple server app [DOWNLOAD HERE]
Install it on your Android
Create New APN settings On Your Phone As Follows..
Port: 8080
Save And Activate it ss your default settings.
Go to simple server and configure the settings:
Pproxy host:
Proxy Port: 8080
Injection Method: get<br />
Injection querry/url:
Injection Host:
Injection line: press your enter key 4 times
Log leve: debug
Close the settings and click the connect button.
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