Now everybody can easily block or stop several numbers from calling your cell device. From the comfort of your home, this simple tech tricks can be applied without stress just like conducting pregnancy test with your mobile device.
He has not stop calling you, You can stop him from calling
you now after going through this post. If your searching for how to stop or block anybody
from calling your mobile line just as Fred hide his number from people to enhance safety, here is the simple tricks. Just dial *35*0000* followed
by the persons number and # then send.
you now after going through this post. If your searching for how to stop or block anybody
from calling your mobile line just as Fred hide his number from people to enhance safety, here is the simple tricks. Just dial *35*0000* followed
by the persons number and # then send.
For those that might have difficulty, here is a simple
example/illustration on how to stop a number from calling you; *35*0000*08028261450#
example/illustration on how to stop a number from calling you; *35*0000*08028261450#
In case you do not
want this service to remain active on your device, simply dial or press
#35*0000# and press yes. That’s it!
want this service to remain active on your device, simply dial or press
#35*0000# and press yes. That’s it!