When I last check my device, it was up to date. Is yours up to date? Companies
frequently release the latest and enhanced versions of their mobile operating
system (OS) to fix the errors and bugs and include new features for the users. If i will offer you my candid advice, Always try and strive for top android apps .
it is essential to upgrade your mobile apps for their seamless functioning and high efficacy, most significantly
to be abreast with the current technology trends. i recently draft a review on the best androids phones to buy in 2015, i hope you’ll love it. Let us look at the reasons as
well as the benefits of upgrading your mobile apps to the latest versions
Essential features, which is very vital
A new OS version might come out with features that are in great demand from
customers and significantly affect your business. For example some security or
performance feature, which your users are waiting for, since long. Your apps
might remain void of these features if you do not upgrade. To deliver value to
your customers and to ensure user satisfaction, your business has to be on the
path of continuous modernization.
The last time i checked, companies are investing hugely in enhancing their devices.The latest OS versions include a number of newfangled and better features. By
upgrading your mobile apps, you can reap the benefits of these features.
Companies make an effort to make the Mobile OS more user-friendly with every
new version, especially Google. You can thus add useful and advanced features in you app. New
releases include innovations, which can add value to your apps.
Cost effectiveness
It is always better to upgrade to newer versions than investing in
developing a new mobile application. Ask even Samsung in the next shop close to Nokia plaza, he will tell you same. Building a new app on the latest OS
version can prove to be costly as well as risky and seemingly unsecured. Your apps might not receive
the same acceptability that they have received earlier. You can save your money
by bringing technology modifications to your current application only, through
this process. Upgrading is thus a cost-efficient way to avail all the benefits that
the new OS offers.
Brand image
Selfies play a major role when it comes to advertising. No body loves been irritated and not adored pictorially. You can eventually tarnish your brand image by not upgrading your mobile apps. You will
tend to lose your customer-base as users are always looking for innovative and
enhanced features. By updating your app to the latest technology, you will be
able to stay ahead in this competitive market. You will even be able to meet
the changing UI & UX needs of the users.
Bug fixes
With every new upgrade, there are bug and error fixes. i know honestly that this is not what any one bargain for sincerely, Users do not like
using applications running on old technology and having problems and errors.
Mobile apps may have functional, usability and security bugs. You can eliminate
these from your app through upgrades. that is if you chose to.
Compatibility issues
Sometimes it becomes essential to upgrade your application to make it
compatible with the new operating system. Your apps might not work with the new
OS, which makes it compulsory to follow the upgrade route.
Mobile app upgrading is thus of prime importance to involve and engage your
users in your applications continuously. They might take a shift from your
application to the one that has the most advanced features and works seamlessly
and flawlessly. Therefore, upgrading to the latest technology is essential,
which can help you to attain new levels and get a competitive edge.
Read Also : Google Maps app suddenly shows up on an Android Wear watch