1. For animal to be able to get rid of unwanted materials from their body, such animal must possess a well developed _____ system (a) respiratory (b) excretory (c) digestive (d) hormonal
2. The main waste product comes from ____ reaction (a) oxidizing (b) excretion (c) metabolic (d) osmo-regulation
3. In cellular respiration, glucose is oxidized to produce___ (a) water (b) food (c) blood (d) energy
4. The maintenance of water balance in the body is known as
_____ (a) osmo-regulation (b) excretion (c) homeostasis (d) hormone
_____ (a) osmo-regulation (b) excretion (c) homeostasis (d) hormone
5. One of the importances of excretion in the body is ______
(a) it increases the content of water in the body (b) it helps to maintain salt
and water balance (c) it helps to increase water content in the body (d) it
helps to decrease water and salt in the body
(a) it increases the content of water in the body (b) it helps to maintain salt
and water balance (c) it helps to increase water content in the body (d) it
helps to decrease water and salt in the body
6. The organ of excretion in Earthworm is _____ (a) skin (b)
kidney (c) nephridia (d) flame cells
kidney (c) nephridia (d) flame cells
7. In the body of mammals, _____ excretes water vapour and
carbon-dioxide, _____ excretes bile and the skin excretes _______ (a) lung, kidney
and sweat (b) kidney, lung and water only (c) liver, lung and salt only (d)
lung, liver and water, salt and urea
carbon-dioxide, _____ excretes bile and the skin excretes _______ (a) lung, kidney
and sweat (b) kidney, lung and water only (c) liver, lung and salt only (d)
lung, liver and water, salt and urea
8. The process of re-absorption where useful materials get
back into the blood stream is called ___ re-absorption (a) selective (b) tubular
(c) filtration (d) ultra
back into the blood stream is called ___ re-absorption (a) selective (b) tubular
(c) filtration (d) ultra
9. The major excretory organ in mammals is called _____ (a)
hormone (b) kidney (c) anus (d) skin
hormone (b) kidney (c) anus (d) skin
10. The following are parts involve in homeostasis except ____
(a) kidney (b) hormone (c) heart (d) skin
(a) kidney (b) hormone (c) heart (d) skin
11. The hormone secreted from the pituitary gland into the
kidney is called _____ (a) thyroxine (b) insulin (c) adrenalin (d) ADH
kidney is called _____ (a) thyroxine (b) insulin (c) adrenalin (d) ADH
12. The average weight of Liver is about ___ (a) 1.25kg (b)
1.225kg (c)1.52kg (d) 1.255kg
1.225kg (c)1.52kg (d) 1.255kg
13. Aside from bone and cartilage, the toughest organ in the
body is _____ (a) kidney (b) skin (c) lung (d) liver
body is _____ (a) kidney (b) skin (c) lung (d) liver
14. The skin is able to have its colour as a result of the
presence of _____ (a) keratin (b) chlorophy (c) melanin (d) dermis
presence of _____ (a) keratin (b) chlorophy (c) melanin (d) dermis
15. _____ makes the skin flexible, tough and waterproof in
appearance (a) melanin (b) dermis (c) cornified (d) keratin
appearance (a) melanin (b) dermis (c) cornified (d) keratin
16. The following are components of dermis except ____ (a)
keratin (b) sweat gland (c) blood capillaries (d) hair follicles
keratin (b) sweat gland (c) blood capillaries (d) hair follicles
17. _____ can also be called chemical messengers or organic
substances (a) endocrine (b) hormone (c) homeostasis (d) pancreas
substances (a) endocrine (b) hormone (c) homeostasis (d) pancreas
18. The parts of the body where hormones are produce is called
_____ glands (a) pituitary (b) adrenal (c) endocrine (d) gonads
_____ glands (a) pituitary (b) adrenal (c) endocrine (d) gonads
19. The distinct factor that distinguish freshwater from sea
water is _____ (a) turbidity (b) oxygen concentration (c) current (d) salinity
water is _____ (a) turbidity (b) oxygen concentration (c) current (d) salinity
20. Mixture of freshwater and marine water together forms _____
water (a) brackish (b) salt (c) delta (d) ocean
water (a) brackish (b) salt (c) delta (d) ocean
21. Grasses and shrubs naturally grows in Marsh habitat, but
when trees grow there, it is called _____ (a) forest (b) swamp (c) strata (d) storey
when trees grow there, it is called _____ (a) forest (b) swamp (c) strata (d) storey
22. ________ is achieved when a stable community has attained
(a) competition (b) adaptation (c) climax community (d) climax environment
(a) competition (b) adaptation (c) climax community (d) climax environment
23. The type of succession that occur on a bare ground is called
____ succession (a) climax (b) secondary (c) replacement (d) primary
____ succession (a) climax (b) secondary (c) replacement (d) primary
24. The first plants that appears in a succession are called
______ (a) pioneers (b) founders (c) grasses (d) red mangrove
______ (a) pioneers (b) founders (c) grasses (d) red mangrove
25. ______ is the resting areas where animals especially
mammals carve out for themselves (a) compound (b) territory (c) community (d)
mammals carve out for themselves (a) compound (b) territory (c) community (d)
26. In habitats, the producers are usually the ______ (a)
animal (b) fungi and bacteria (c) plant (d) saprophyte
animal (b) fungi and bacteria (c) plant (d) saprophyte
27. The following can lead to competition except _______ (a)
food shortage (b) space (c) mating (d) availability of food
food shortage (b) space (c) mating (d) availability of food
28. The following are biotic factors that affecting population
except ______ (a) rain (b) competition (c) food (d) natality
except ______ (a) rain (b) competition (c) food (d) natality
29. Without ______, the population of a nation can rise
indiscriminately and may not be able to match availability of food and other
resources (a) overcrowding (b) family planning (c) health care (d) government
indiscriminately and may not be able to match availability of food and other
resources (a) overcrowding (b) family planning (c) health care (d) government
30. The completely cutting off of male sperm duct is called
_______, while that of the female is called _____ (a) castration and abortion
(b) abortion and castration (c) vasectomy and tubal-ligation (d) tuba-ligation
and vasectomy
_______, while that of the female is called _____ (a) castration and abortion
(b) abortion and castration (c) vasectomy and tubal-ligation (d) tuba-ligation
and vasectomy
Answer any five questions of yourchoice
- 1a. Define Excretion, Egestion, Assimilation and Secretion
- b. Give five importance of excretion
- c. With the aid of a table, show any five organisms, their
organs of excretion and the waste materials they excreted - d. Draw the structure of kidney
- 2a. Define hormones
- 2b. List all the parts involve in homeostasis and give at least
four (4) functions in each - 2c. Write on any two diseases of kidney and liver and state at
least two effects of the diseases - 2d. With the aid of a table, state the effects of
under-secretion and over-secretion of the following hormones i. Somatotropin ii. Adrenalin iii.
Testosterone iv.
Oestrogen - 3a. Differentiate between the types of aquatic habitat
- 3b. Give any three characteristics in each of the above in (3a)
- 3c. Give at least three (3) characteristics in each of the
types of terrestrial habitat - 3d. Give at least two examples of food chain in any three