Chemistry Examination Question for Senior Secondary School (SS1)
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Chemistry Examination Question for Senior Secondary School (SS1) UPDATED ==>20/09/2019
1. The ability for carbon to form long straight and branch chain compounds is termed (A) catenation (B) Functional group (c) cokation (D) oxidation |
2. How many moles of calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) are there in 5.0g of calcium trioxocarbonate (iv)? A) 0.005 B) 0.05 C) 0.5 D) 5.0 E) 10 |
3. A base that is soluble in aqueous solution is termed (A)Acid B) Alkalis C) salt D) Crystals |
4. Acid that are synthesized from plant and animal matters are ( A) Inorganic acid( B) Arenic acid (C) Organic acid (D) Organo metallic acid |
5. The variation of the physical and chemical properties of element both across the period and down the group of the periodic table is termed? (A) Periodicity (B) Periodic law (C) Periodic table (D)Periodic moment |
6. The smallest particle of a substance which can take part in a chemical reaction is (A) Atom (B) Matter (C) Molecules (D)ions |
7. The valency of Oxygen atom in a neutral state is (A) -2 (B)+2 (C)2 (D)1 |
8. How many Valence electrons are found in the outermost shell of Chlorine atom (A) 17 (B)10 (C)7 (D)70 |
9. Elements in the same group in the periodic table possess (A) Variable oxidation state (B) Similar chemical and physical properties (C)The same number of octet configuration (D)The same number of ionic electrosphere |
10. Determine the Oxidation state of Sulphure in SO42- (A)-6 (B) +5 (C)+6 (D)3 |
11. Hard coal is also known as (A)Bituminous coal (B) Anthracite coal (c)Brown coal(D)Lignite coal |
12. The process whereby coal is decomposed under high temperature in the absence of air to exclude volatile components is termed (A)Carbonization(B)Destructive distillation of coal (C)Catenation (D) wood destructive alination |
13. The colour of blue litmus paper in an Acid medium is (A)Red (B)Blue (C)Purple (D)Pink |
14. ——–and ——– are classified as Fuel gas (A) Water gas and carbonization gas(B) Water gas and mineral gas(C) producer gas and steam gas (D) Water gas and producer gas |
15. The element whose electronic configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 is (A) Carbon (B)Nitrogen (C)Sulphure (D)Neon |
16. The element whose electronic configuration is 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 belongs to which period and group in the periodic table (A)Period 2 group 5 (B) Period 3 group 2 (C)Period 2 group 2 (D) Period 3 group 3 |
17. The number of replaceable hydrogen ions or atom in a corresponding acidic compound is referred to as (A) Acidity (B) Basicity (C) Alkalinity (D) Neutrality |
18. A salt which when exposed to the atmosphere loses it water of crystallization is termed (A) Efflorescence salt (B) Hygroscopic salt (C) Deliquescent salt (D) Anhydrous salt |
19. When an acid reacts reversibly with a base to form salt and water, the reaction is termed (A)Oxidation reaction (B)ionization reaction (C) Reversible reaction (D)Neutralization reaction |
20. What is the common name for H2SO4 (A) Dihydrogen tetraoxosulphate (VI) Acid (B) Sulphuric acid (C) Acid hydrogen sulphide (D) Hydrogen tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid |
21. Which group of elements are regarded as halogens in the periodic table (A) Group 1 (B) Group 2 (C)Group 7 (D) Group 0 |
22. Diamond is very hard and unreactive because |
a. It is ionic b. each carbon atom is covalently bonded to four other carbon atoms c. It has strong hydrogen bond between the carbon atom d. it has a high melting point |
23. Which of the following acids can form both acid salt and normal salt |
a. Conc HNO3 b. dil Hcl c. dil H2SO4 d.Conc CH3CooH |
24. When an element exist in two or more forms in the same physical state, the element is said to exhibit a.Isotope b. Isomerism c. Allotropy d. Hygroscope |
25. Water gas is mixture of a. CO2 and H2 b. CO and H2O |
c. CO and N2 d. CO and H2 |
SECTION B (Theory) |
INSTRUCTION: Answer four questions only |
1. What is an acid? |
(a) State three physical properties of an acid |
(b) List 3 methods of preparing Acid in the laboratory |
(c) What are acid anhydrides? Give 4 examples, and show how they are used to produce acid. |
2. How can coke be synthesized or produced from coal |
(b) List 4 uses of graphite |
(c) List 4 uses of Diamond and explain why diamond does not conduct electricity |
3. Define the term allotropy |
(b) What is neutralization reaction? |
(c) Differentiate between acid salts and Basic salt with examples |
4. Define water of crystallization |
(b) Define the following (i) Normal salt (ii) hygroscopic salt (iii) mole |
5. List the different stages or type of coal |
(b) State 3 uses of wood charcoal |
(C) State three physical properties of alkali |
Subject: Chemistry Class: SS 1 Duration: 2:30 Hours
OBJECTIVEWhich of the following acids forms normal salts only?
(a) tetroxosulphate (vi) acid (b) trioxosulphate (iv) acid (c) tetroxophophate (v) acid (d) trioxonitriate (v) acid
- A substance is said to be hygroscopic if it absorbs;
(a) water from the atmosphere to form a solution (b) heat from the surrounding (c) carbon (iv) oxide from the atmosphere (d) moisture from the atmosphere without dissolving
- Which of the following salt solutions will have a pH greater than 7?
(a) NaCl (b) Na2CO3 (c) Na2S04 (d) NaHSO4
- One of the methods used for combating air pollution is:
(a) burning of solid waste (b) provision of sanitary land fills
(c) legislation against some industrial practices (d) scavenging of refuse dumps
- Which of the following is correct about solution of pH 4 is correct?
(a) addition of NaOH will decrease its pH (b) it will turn red litmus blue (c) it is less acidic than a solution of pH 2 (d) its hydrogen ion concentration is 10-4 moldm-3
- Concentrated H2SO4 is a good drying agent for most gases because it is
(a) hygroscopic (b) dibasic (c) corrosive (d) oxidizing
- What is the deposit formed on boiling water that contains temporary hardness
(a) magnesium tetraovosulphate (vi) (b) calcium trioxocarbonate (iv) (c) magnesium hydrogen trioxocarbonate (iv) (d) calcium tetroxosulphate (vi)
- When a sample of water was boiled it lathered more readily with soap. It can be concluded that the sample most likely contained
(a) magnesium tetraoxosulphate (vi) (b) suspended solids (c) organic impurities (d) calcium hydrogentrioxocarbonate (iv)
- What are the two gases associated with acid rain?
(a) CO2 and HCl (b) CO2 and N2 (c) SO2 and NO2 (d) HCL and SO2
- What are the values of x, y and z respectively in the following equation?
MnO2 + xHCl MnCl2 + yH2O + zCl2
(a) 4, 1, 2 (b) 1, 2, 1 (c) 2, 1, 2 (d) 4, 2, 1
- Which of the following pollutants is biodegradable?
(a) domestic sewage (b) metal scraps (c) radioactive waste (d) plastic foil
- Which of the following substances is hygroscopic in nature?
(a) CaCl2 (b) CuO (c) MgCl2
(d) Na2CO3.10H2O (d) P2O10
- Sour milk contains acid (a) citric (b) ethanoic (c) lactic (d) methanoic
- A salt that absorbs moisture from the atmosphere without forming a solution is said to be
(a) efflorescent (b) deliquescent (c) hygroscopic (d) insoluble