Chemistry Examination Question for Senior Secondary School (SS1)

  1. An atom of an element X gains two electrons. The symbol of the ion formed is?

(a) X+ (b) X2+ (c) X2- (d) X

  1. On heating, the following trioxocarbonate (iv) salts decompose to give solid residue except

(a) ammonium trioxocarbonate (iv)            (b) calcium trioxocarbonate (iv) (c) lead trioxocarbonate (iv) (d) zinc trioxocarbonate (iv)

  1. Two elements X and Y are in the same-group on the periodic table because they both have the same

(a) number of electronic shells (b) number of valence electrons (c) atomic size (d) atomic number

  1. Which of the following elements is a metalloid?

(a) carbon (b) oxygen (c) silicon (d) sodium

  1. Which of the following substances is a constituent of fire extinguisher?

(a) ammonia (b) carbon (iv) oxide               (c) hydrogen sulphide  (d) sulphur (iv) oxide

  1. How many protons are there in a metallic ion (x3+) which has an inert gas structure and contains 10 electrons?

(a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 10 (d) 13

  1. The type of bond formed when two elements 17X and 19Y combine together is

(a) covalent (b) co-ordinate (c) electrovalent (d) hydrogen

  1. Which of the following substance is mainly responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer?

(a) chlorofluorocarbon (b) carbon (iv) oxide (c) nitrogen (d) oxygen

  1. Which of the following separation techniques would show that black ink is a mixture of chemical compounds?

(a) crystallization (b) chromatography         (c) filtration (d) sublimation

  1. The equation p = k/v illustrates

(a) Boyle’s law (b) Charle’s law (c) Dalton’s law (d) Gay Lussac’s law

  1. Which of the following elements can conveniently be placed in two groups in the periodic table?

(a) carbon (b) copper (c) hydrogen           (d) oxygen

  1. Which of the following electron configurations correctly represents noble gas?

(a) 1s2 2s2 2p4 (b) 1s2 2s2 2p6 352 (c) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 (d) 1s2 2s2 2p6

  1. Salts that contain water of crystallization are said to be

(a) anhydrous (b) deliquescent                   (c) efflorescent (d) hydrated

  1. How many orbitals are associated with the p-sub orbital?

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 6

  1. How protons does contain?

(a) 20 (b) 40 (c) 30 (d) 60

  1. What is the value of 140C on the Kelvin temperature scale?

(a) 259k (b) 2590k (c) 287k (d) 2870k

  1. Chemicals that are produced in small quantities and with very high degree of purity are

(a) bulk chemicals (b) fine chemicals          (c) heavy chemicals (d) light chemicals

  1. How many isotopes has hydrogen?

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5


  1. Which of the following metallic oxides is amphoteric?

(a) Al2O3 (b) Fe2O3 (c) MgO (d) Na2O

  1. The compound that makes palm wine taste sour after exposure to the air for few days is (a) ethanol (b) ethanoic acid (c) methanol (d) methanoic acid
  2. The number of atoms in a compound is called

(a) atomic number (b) avogadro number     (c) empirical formula (d) molecular formula

  1. Flourine is sometimes added in the treatment of town water to

(a) improve coagulation (b) kill germs and bacteria (c) make the water tasteful           (d) prevent tooth decay

  1. The pH value of FeCl3 solution is likely to be

(a) 3 (b) 9 (c) 7 (d) 11

  1. When a metallic oxide reacts with both acids and bases, the oxide is said to be

(a) acidic (b) amphoteric (c) basic              (d) complex

  1. The shape of a graphite is(a) tetrahedral (b) pyramidal (c) hexagonal (d) octahedral
  1. When a substance changes directly from the gaseous state to the solid state without forming a liquid, the substance is said to

(a) condense (b) evaporate (c) sublime      (d) precipitate

  1. The hydrolysis of NH4Cl gives(a) an acidic solution (b) an alkaline solution (c) a buffer solution (d) a neutral solution
  1. Noble gas molecules are held together by(a) van der waals forces (b) hydrogen bonds (c) dative bonds (d) covalent bonds
  1. Which of the following phenomena leads to decrease in volume of liquid in an open container?

(a) Brownian motion (b) diffusion (c) evaporation (d) sublimation

  1. The solution which has pH > 7 is

(a) FeCl3 (b) CuSO4 (c) KNO3(aq) (d) Na2CO3 (aq)

  1. An aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is

(a) acidic (b) alkaline (c) amphoteric          (d) neutral

  1. The oxidation number of sulphur in Fe2(SO4)3 is

(a) +2 (b) +3 (c) +4 (d) +6

  1. The purity of a solid sample can best be determined by its

(a) boiling point (b) melting point                (c) conductivity (d) solubility

  1. An element X with electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s2

(a) X2Y5 (b) X2Y3 (c) XY3 (d) XY2

  1. The basicity of H2SO4 is _________________
  2. CFC means ___________________________
  3. What is the term used to describe an oxide whose aqueous solution turns blue litmus red?

(a) strong electrolyte (b) acid anhydride      (c) amphoteric oxide (d) basic oxide

61      Which of the following compounds is not a double salt? (a) Zn (oH) NO3 (b) KAl (So4)2    (c) KCr (So4)2 (d) (NH4) Fe (So4)2

62      Which of the following decreases in mass on exposure to air? (a) NaOH (b) Fe (c) FeCl3 (d) Na2Co3.10H2O

63      The laboratory apparatus used in keeping salts is _____________

  1. Fractional distillation of petroleum depends on difference in

(a) molar masses (b) densities (c) rate of diffusion (d) free points

  1. Separating funnel is used for separating of mixture of

(a) liquids with different boiling points (b) sediments of a liquid (c) liquids with different colours (d) liquids that are immiscible

  1. Which of the following is not a separation technique?

(a) sieving (b) dissolution (c) filtration        (d) sublimation

  1. The method used to separate the components of iodine and alom is _________
  2. Which of the following represents a noble gas configuration

(a) 2, 8, 8, 2 (b) 2, 8, 2 (c) 2, 8 (d) 2, 6

  1. What is the family name of group 7 elements is ___________
  2. Na and Na+ have the same

(a) chemical properties (b) electrical charge (c) electronic configuration (d) number of proton

  1. Which allotrope of carbon is a constituent of a lead pencil?



Instructions: Answer all questions

  1. The atoms of four elements are represented as 20Q, 16R, 10S and 8 which of the elements would be unreactive A. Q  B. R  C. S  D. T
  2. The type of chemical bond that exists between potassium and oxygen in potassium oxide is A. Ionic Metallic C. Covalent   D. Dative
  3. Chlorine atom forms Cl by A. Losing one electron Sharing one electron  C. Donating one pair of electrons   D. Gaining one electron
  4. An element Z has a combining power of 3. Which of the following formulae is correct of its compound A. ZSO3 Z3Cl2  C. Z2O3  D. ZS3
  5. The gas evolved when dilute tetraoxosulphate(iv) acid reacts with sodium hydrogentrioxocarbonate(iv) is A. Hydrogen Oxygen
  6. Carbon(iv)oxide D. Sulphur(vi)oxide
  7. If a solution has a pH of 2, it can be concluded that it A. Is a weak electrolyte has hydrogen concentration of 0.2moldm-3 C. Is twice as acidic as a solution of pH,  D. Will produce effervescence with magnesium ribbon
  8. Chemical equilibrium is attained when A. Reactants in the system are used up B. Concentrations of the products are greater than those of the reactants  Concentrations of the reactants and products remain constant  D. reactants stop forming the products
  9. An iron nail placed in a solution of copper(ii)tetraoxosulphate(vi) is soon covered with a deposit of copper. Which of the following equations represents the reaction?
  10. Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s)   Fe3+(aq)
  11. Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s)      Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq)
  12. Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq)       Fe2+(aq) + Cu2+(aq)
  13. Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq) Fe2+(aq)
  14. Which of the following non-metals reacts most readily with metals? A. Nitrogen Chlorine  C. Sulphur  D. Carbon
  15. A radioactive substance is best stored Under paraffin oil  B. Under ultravidet light  C. In a cool, dark cupboard  D. In a box lined with lead
What is the name of the compound with the structure A. 2-methyl, 3-ethybut-2-ene B. 2,3,4 – trimethylbut-2-ene

C. 1,1-dimethyl-1-ethylprop-l-ene

D. 2,3-dimethylpent-2-ene


  • In the electrolytic extraction of aluminum from puried alumina; molten cryolite is added in order to A. lower the melting point of the alumina
  1. Prevent the aerial oxidation of the molten aluminum C. Lower the activation energy of the reaction D. Form a protective  crust on top of the electrolyte
  1. When iron rusts, it undergoes A. Deliquescence Chemical decomposition  C. Hydrolysis  D. Redox reaction
  2. Which of the following involves the decomposition of a sugar by enzymic action? A. Esterification Fermentation  C. Dehydration
  3. Polymerization
  4. If a reaction is said to be exothermic, which of the following statements is a correct deduction from the information? The reaction vessel gets hotter as the reaction proceeds  B.  for the reaction is positive  C. The rate of the reaction increases with time  D. The activation energy of the reaction is high
  5. A dye s suspected to have contaminated a lollipop. Which of the following is the best method by which the contaminant may be isolated?
  6. Fractional distillation B. Recrystallization C. Filtration  D. Paper Chromatography
  7. Which of the following accounts for the difference in the mode of conduction of electricity by metals and aqueous salt solutions?
  8. Electrons are present in metals but not in salt solutions B. Metals are conducted while salts are electrolytes C. Electricity is carried by mobile electrons in metals but by ions in aqueous  salt solution  D. Salts ionize in aqueous solutions while metals do not.
  9. A positive brown ring test indicates the presence of A. NO Fe3+
  10. D. Cu+
  11. The following statements about graphite are correct EXCEPT that it A. Is used as a lubricant Has a network structure  C. Contains  mobile free electrons  D. Is a good conductor
  12. Which of the following hydrocarbons is unsaturated? A. Ethane
  13. Benzene C. Propane D. Z-methylbutane
  14. Which of the following is an alloy of mercury? A. Stainless steel Soft solder  C. Coinage bronze  D. Amalgam
  15. Metals which react with steam only when they are red-hot include
  16. Copper B. Sodium C. Calcium  D. Iron
  17. An arrangement of two different metals in aqueous solutions of their salts to produce an electric current is known as A. Electrochemical cell Activity series  C. Thermocouple   D. Volmeter
  18. Which of the following exhibits resonance? A. Benzene Butane
  19. Pentene D. Octane
  20. Which of the following metals will be the most suitable for use where lightness and resistance to corrosion are of important? A. Lead
  21. Copper C. Iron D. Aluminum
  22. What is the most probable group of an element which is a soft, silvery-white solid and reacts violently with water? A. Group O  Group 1
  23. Group 4 D. Group 6
  24. Which of the following ions will migrate to the cathode during electrolysis? Zinc ions  B. Chloride ions   C. Suphide ions
  25. Tetraoxosulphate(vi)ions
  26. Which of the following radioactive decays involve an emission?
  27. B. C.
  28. The following oxides react with both acids and bases to form salts except A. Zinc oxide Lead (ii) oxide  C. Aluminium oxide   D. Carbon(iv)oxide
  29. Which of the following metals is NOT extracted by electrolysis? A. Iron  Sodium  C. Calcium  D. Magnesium
  30. Which of the following is an ore of aluminum? A. Haematite
  31. Magnetite C. Siderite D. Bauxite
  32. Which of the following statements is/are correct about metals? They I. Are good conductors of electricity II. Have mobile electrons III are reducing agent IV. Form acidic oxides I and II only  B. I, II and III only  C. I, II, III and IV   D. None of the above.
  33. The main type of reaction that occurs in the blast furnace during the extraction of Iron is A. reduction reaction Decomposition
  34. Exothermic reaction D. Combustion
  35. Which of the following compounds can be represented by the molecule formula C2H6O A. Propanal Ethanol  C. Methanoic acid   D. Glucose
  36. The following compounds are hydrocarbons EXCEPT
  37. Methylpropanoate B. Z-methylbutane C. Benzene  D. Cyclohexane


  1. When alkynes are hydrogenated completely, they produce compounds with the general molecular formula CnHn   B. CnH2n+2   C. CnH2n
  2. CnH2n-2
  3. Which of the following alloys does not contain copper? I. Brass Bronze  III. Steel  A. I only  B. II only  C. III only  D. II and III only
  4. The major product in the solvay process is A. NaOH Na2CO3  C. NH3  D. H2SO4
  5. 100g of radioactive mass has a half-life of 5 days. Calculate the mass decayed off after 15 days. A. 25g 50g   C. 12.5g  D. 6.25g
  6. A solution of sodium trioxocarbonate(iv) contains 10.6g in 250cm3 of solution. Calculate the concentration of the solution. A. 0.4moldm-3
  7. 1.0moldm-3 C. 10.6moldm-3 D. 25.0moldm-3
  8. The rate of chemical reaction of solids are not affected by A. Catalyst
  9. pressure C. Particle size  D. Temperature
  10. The energy change that accompanies the addition of an electron to an isolated gaseous atom is A. Bond energy electronegativity  C. electron affinity  D. Ionization energy
  11. Which of the following metals could be used as sacrificial anode for preventing the corrosion of iron? A. Copper Lead  C. Magnesium
  12. Silver
  13. What mass of copper would be formed when a current of 10.0A is passed through a solution of CuSO4 for 1hour? A. 5.9g 11.8g   C. 23.7g
  14. 47.3
  15. The volume occupied by 0.4­­g of hydrogen gas at t.p is A.2.2dm3
  16. 4.48dm3 C. 22.4dm3 D. 44.8dm3
  17. The oxidation number of Fe in [Fe(CN)6]3- is A. +3 +2  C. -2 D. -3
  18. Which of the following substances is mainly responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer? A. Oxygen Chlorofluorocarbon  C. Carbon(ii)oxide  D. Nitrogen(ii)oxide
  19. Which of the following reactions is common to all hydrocarbons?
  20. Combustion B. Addition C. Polymerization  D. Condensation
  21. A hydrocarbon compound contains 92.3% carbon. Determine its empirical formula A. CH CH2  C. CH3 D. C2H3
  22. Reduction is the process of A. Loss of electron Loss of hydrogen
  23. loss of oxygen D. Addition of electronegative elements


Instruction: This section is divided into two parts, answer only two questions from each part.


1.(a)   What are nucleons?

(b)   State Graham’s law of diffusion

(c)   Explain briefly why aluminum does not corrode easily

(d)   State THREE examples of periodic properties and their variations in the periodic  table of elements

(e)   State TWO reasons why real gases deviate from ideal gas behave iour

(f)    List THREE uses of fractional distillation in industry

(g)   What factors determine the selective discharge of ions at the electrodes during electrolysis?

(h)  Consider the reaction represented by the following equation

Na2CO3(aq) + MgCl2           2NaCl(aq) + MgCO3(aq)

2a.     Consider the following atoms


  1. State the phenomenon exhibited by the two atoms
  2. What is the difference between the atoms?

iii.    Give two examples of elements that exhibit the phenomenon stated in   2(a)(i)

iv     If T is 17, write the electron configuration of the element


b(i)     State two differences between metals and non-metals with respect to their: I. Physical properties              (ii) Chemical properties


b (ii)   Give one example of each of the following compounds

  • An amphoteric oxide
  • A hydride which evolves hydrogen when reacted with water;
  • A trioxocarbonate(iv) salt which is readily decomposed on heating
  • A chloride salt which is readily hydrolyzed in water


c(i)     State THREE characteristic properties of transition metals

(ii)      Write the electro configuration of 30Zn

(iii)     Explain briefly why zinc is not considered as a typical transition element

3(ai)   State Graham’s Law of diffusion

(aii)  If 100cm3 of oxygen diffused in 4seconds and 50cm3 of gas Y diffused in 3 seconds, Calculate the relative molecular mass of gas Y

(b)      Consider the following equilibrium reaction:

X(g)+2Y(g                 XY2(g)­  = -52KJmol-1

  1. i) State what happens to the yield of XY2 when the temperature is increased

(ii)      Explain the effect of decrease in pressure on the equilibrium position

(iii)     State the effect of a catalyst on the

  1. Position of equilibrium
  2. Activation energy


c.(i)    State two differences between the solubilities of solids and gases in liquids

c.(ii)   Name the physical  properties used in choosing separation techniques for the following mixtures I. Kerosene and Petrol II. Calcium trioxocarbonate (iv) and potassium chloride III. Ammonium chloride and sodium chloride

d(i)     State a method of preparing each of the following salts;

  1. Sodium Chloride
  2. Lead (II) Trioxocarbonate (iv)
  • Iron (ii) Chloride
  1. Copy and complete the table below


Acid                      Basicity




D(i)    State the difference between analydrous and hydrated salts

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