CLASS: SSI                  
        DURATION: 2½ HOURS
1.        Each member of symbiosis association is referred to as _______ (a) biotic    (b) symbiont (c) beneficial (d) vector
2.        Fungus and algae in lichen can be seen as an example of ____­­____________  (a) commensalism (b) saprophytism (c) mutualism (d) predation
3.       In the above association, the role of fungus is to provide _______
(a)    food           (b) water (c) photosynthesize (d) protection


4.        When an association made up of one organism benefiting and the other is neither benefiting nor harm, such is _________ association (a)commensalism
(b)   predation (c) parasitism (d) mutualism


5.        In commensalism association, the one benefiting is called ________(a) predator (b) commensal (c) prey (d) parasite
6.        An association where one kills the other as food is called
___________(a) saprophytism (b) parasitism (c) predation (d) commensal
7.        Between Hawk and Chick in predation association, the Hawk is _______, while the Chick is ___________ (a) host, parasite (b) commensal, parasite (c) prey, predator (d) predator, prey
8.        Competition that exist between the member of the same species is called ______ (a) intra-specific competition (b) inter-specific competition (c) inter-house competition (d) family competition
9.        Organism that do not need opposite sex before fertilization is said to be ____ (a) non-sexual organism (b) hermaphrodite (c) Unisexual (d) sterile
10.      Possession of wings for flight is a structural adaptation of animals that live in _______ habitat (a) aquatic (b) terrestrial (c) abboreal (d) On-land
11.      The harmful substance that can pollute the human health and cause environmental pollution is called _______ (a) vector (b) parasite (c) pathogen (d) pollutant
12.      _________ is formed whenever fuel is burned incompletely (a)
carbon  monoxide (b) carbon dioxide (c) chloroflorocarbon (d) hydrocarbon
13.      One of the effects of water pollution is _____(a) it causes suffocation (b)it can kill aquatic organism(c)it leads to respiratory disorder(d)it causes deafness
14.      The way of planning, controlling of exploitation or judicious use of natural resources to ensure their continuous availability is called _______ (a)
convection (b) preservation (c) conservation (d) resources
15.      Prohibition of killing of wild animals in forest reserves is called
_________ (a) discrimination (b) forest (c) afforestation (d) poaching
16.      The aspect of Biology that deals with the study of microscopic organisms is called______(a)Microbiology (b)Microscope (c) Parasitology (d) bacteriology
17.      Micro-organisms that are harmless are called __________, while those that can cause diseases are called _________ (a) pathology and parasitology (b)non- pathogenic and pathogenic (c) pathogenic and non-pathogenic (d) protozoa and virus
18.      Bacteria which stick together to form a chain is called ________(a) streptococci (b) tetrads (c) bacilli (d) vibrio
19.      Another name for rabies virus is ________(a) hydrophobia (b) xenophobia (c) agoraphobia (d) river blindness
20.      One of these is a fungal  disease (a)rabies (b)  eczema (c)
poliomyelitis (d) malaria
21.      The condition or situation whereby more animals that cannot be supported on a particular pasture are put there to graze is known as ____
22.      ________ is one of the effects of bush burning
23.      The chemical made specifically for controlling pests is known as _________
24.      The group of organisms that are capable of destroying and damaging the crop plants are called ________ (a) parasite (b)
pest         (c) pathogens
25.      Biting and chewing insects possess mouth parts known as _______ and ____ (a)biting and sucking(b)piercing and chewing(c)biting and chewing
26.      ____ and ____ are among the examples of biting and chewing insect pests
27.      The mouth parts of piercing and sucking insects is called _______________ (a) proboscis (b) labium and
labrum          (c) mandible and maxillae
28.      The pests that are capable of living inside the plant tissues and
destroy               them are classified as____ (a)pathogens(b)borers(c)piercing and sucking
29.      The type of farming inwhich land is used for a year or more and abandoned   to relax for some years is known as _____ (a) crop rotation (b)
continuous   cropping (c) shifting cultivation
30.      The system of farming whereby a farmer rears animals and cultivates crops on the same piece of landis called _______     (a) mixed cropping (b) mixed farming        (c) mixed culture
Answer any seven (7) questions from the questions
1a.      Define completion with at least three examples
b.         Give any three plant adaptation to the following Habitat
                        i.          Aquatic         ii.         Terrestrial
c.         Write on                  i. Xerophyte                        ii. Mesophyte
2a.      Define Adaptation
b.         Give any three adaptation of animal to i. Aboreal              ii.
Aquatic    iii. Terrestrial
c.         List three through which water can be polluted
3a.      Define pollution
b.    Differentiate between the two types of natural resources with examples in each 
c.         Give any three (3) effects and (3) controls of pollution
4a.      With examples in each, discuss on any three of the following
                        i. Commensalism              ii. Mutualism          iii.
Parasitism         iv. Predation
b.         Write on how we can conserve any three of the following
                        i.          Forest           ii. Water       iii. Soil           iv.
Mineral Salt      v. Wildlife
c.         State five (5) benefits of conserving natural resources
5a.      Discuss in  detail on any three (3) types of micro-organisms
b.         Give any seven (7) beneficial effects of micro-organisms
c.         Discuss on the contributions of the following
                        i.          WHO             ii. UNICEF    iii. International Red Cross
Society   iv. NMA
6a.      Give any five (5) economical importance of pests in crop production
b.         Discuss on any two (2) methods of controlling pests in detail
c.         Define diseases of crop
7a.      List all the word biomes and give at least two characteristics of any
three                       (3) of your choice
b.         Write short note on the following
                        i. Environment    ii. Atmosphere     iii. Biosphere iv. Habitat    v.
c.         List and explain any five (5) agricultural classifications of crops with
examples each


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