Google AdSense is currently the number one online pay per click advertising program that let you easily monetize your blog and make reasonable amount of money.
But users and clients all over the world are always on thier toes, because of the rigid Google AdSense terms and policies. Nigerians are really facing the consequence of this ever changing and Dynamic policy, although my knowledge of “Change is a constant flux” is still in tact. If your in deed a money making webpreneur Or simply a blogger that earns with Google AdSense, you must be constantly on the look out for latest updates concerning Google AdSense policy or risk been permanently banned from using their program.
So many Nigerians are now on the search for Google AdSense accounts to buy. “Google Adsense Ultimate Search ” lol..the price ranges from 5000-20000,and even higher depending on whether it is a hosted or Non hosted Google AdSense account. Another disturbing issue is, the issue of Google AdSense account pin Verification. I have never seen anybody in Nigeria who had the privilege to verify his Google AdSense account directly after waiting for 2-4 weeks, after Google AdSense team dispatched the designated pin for verification to your specified addresses on your Adsense account. I don’t know why Nigerians are still facing this issues. But oppening and verifying Google AdSense account from the US and UK is as simple as ABC. But not to worry, we all believe this era of struggle will soon end.
This faithful morning while I was preparing my breakfast and counting my gains one after the other, I recieved a mail from Jeremy Shomoney. A top blogger who earns millions of dollars online in a month. So many top bloggers and webmasters in Nigeria should know him..don’t you ? In his mail, it was containing this;
Brian Axe (product lead for Google AdSense) spills the beans with some suprising tactics on how to make the most money on your site with Google AdSense!