High specific capacity, reactivity, and abundance of magnesium (Mg) in the earth’s crust are some of the key relatively good safety features of this metal; hence despite its being a reactive metal, these form the factors behind the need to develop rechargeable Mg batteries.
Magnesium based secondary batteries are much viable ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY AND NON-TOXIC ALTERNATIVE compared to the popular Li-ion systems owing to its high volumetric capacity (3833 mA h/cc for Mg vs. 2046 mA h/cc for Li) for stationary electrical energy storage or EES applications.
What has been tried that hasn’t worked
The first generation of secondary Mg batteries has already been demonstrated, but their specific energy density remains relatively low. The challenge at present is to develop novel Mg battery prototypes that possess high energy density. Over the past two decades, a number of systems with wide electrochemical windows and high conductivities have been developed. However, a common shortcoming of all of these electrolytes is their incompatibility with non-noble metals at operating voltages above around 2.5 V vs. Mg, representing a key hurdle towards their practical use in Mg batteries.
Verification of why this is an industry-wide problem
Saha, P., Datta, M., Velikokhatnyi, O., Manivannan, A., Alman, D. and Kumta, P. (2014). Rechargeable magnesium battery: Current status and key challenges for the future. [online] Sciencedirect.com. Available at:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0079642514000449 [Accessed 20 Aug. 2015].
Shterenberg, I., Salama, M., Gofer, Y., Levi, E. and Aurbach, D. (2014). The challenge of developing rechargeable magnesium batteries. [online] Journals.cambridge.org. Available at:
http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9259144&fileId=S088376941400061X [Accessed 20 Aug. 2015].
Tutusaus, O. and Mohtadi, R. (2014). Paving the Way towards Highly Stable and Practical Electrolytes for Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries. ChemElectroChem, [online] 2(1), pp.51-57. Available at:
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/celc.201402207/full [Accessed 20 Aug. 2015].
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Source: Youthconnection, Sciencedirect, Research innovation,Ideaconnection