The Criteria for ranking top universities in Nigeria is still unknown to many. Nevertheless, what we do is to accept without any form of dispute. Education is the gradual discovery of ignorance,potentials and Vision.Without retraction, Education in Africa mostly in Nigeria, has faced enormous challenges in recent times. With the altitude of corruption in Nigerian government, maintaining and projecting high standard of learning and proficient studies in our institutions has been widely devastating.
With the above been said, below is the list of the latest top ranking universities in Nigeria in 2015 recently released by webometrics. Obafemi Awolowo University tops the list with 621 present rank followed by University of Lagos and University of Ilorin. See the full list below
With the above been said, below is the list of the latest top ranking universities in Nigeria in 2015 recently released by webometrics. Obafemi Awolowo University tops the list with 621 present rank followed by University of Lagos and University of Ilorin. See the full list below
Read Also:Verified List of Top 50 Best Universities in Nigeria in 2105
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