Subject: Basic Technology |
Class: JSS 2 |
1.The methods and processes develop by man for dealing with their physical and biological environment is called______ (a) technology (b) drawing (c) insurance (d)geology |
2. A group of cells linked together is called (a) light (b) battery (c) plate (d) transistor |
3. Motion of any machine can be described in terms of ______ and ____ (a) complex (b) linear, rotary(c) secondary , primary (d)rotary, complex |
4. Wood can be preserved with ____ and ____ (a) solignium, gamallin 20 (b) Sulphuric acid, gamallin 20 (c) creosote, sodium chloride (d) solignium, creosote |
5. The art of representing object, or scenes by the use of lines and angles is (a) painting (b) colouring(c) technical drawin(d)construction drawing |
6. A protractor is a drawing material rectangles |
7. When sand, cement and water are mixed properly in adequate proportion ______ is the product formed (a) concrete (b) mortar (c) clay |
(d)paste |
8. Large quantity of grains can be stored in a structure know as _______ (a) pot (b) wardrobe (c) silo(d) roof |
9. The portion of a circle bounded by and arc and two radii is called _____ (a) chord (b) segment (c) sector (d)arc |
10. The representation of an object in a plane is ______ drawing (a) auxiliary (b) isometric (c)perspective (d)orthographic |
11. At the generating sub-station a ____ transformer is installed. (a) step-down (b) step-up (c) high tension (d)low tension |
12. The art and skill of assembling and fastening two or more pieces of wood together is (a) wood joining (b) framing (d) joinery fixing point |
13. The mixture of cop[per and aluminium is ____ (a) brass (b) zinc (c) lead (d) bronze |
14. Levers have the following parts except (a) effort arm (b) fulcrum (c) load arm (d)pushing arm |
15. Electric pressing iron consists of the heating elements made of _____ (a) chromium (b) copper (c)michrone (d)silver |
16. The following are properties of metals except (a) Brittleness (b) density (c) elasticity (d)plasticity |
17. The units of both energy and work is (a) amphere (b) joule (c) newton (d) watt |
18. A boy riding a bicycle is involved in the conversion of _____ energy to ____ energy (a) kinetic, mechanical (b) kinetic, potential (c) kinetic, sound (d) potential , kinetic |
19. 1.5amp |
The diagram above is ? |
(a) Alternating current (b) direct current (c) parallel circuit (d) series circuit |
20.The total resistance of the above diagram is? (a) 2 Ω (b) 6 Ω (c) 22 Ω |
(d) 30Ω |
Theory |
Answer only 3 questions |
1a. Define Latex |
b. State five methods of processing plastic materials |
2a. What is the difference between the natural rubber and synthetic rubber |
b. What is a pictorial drawing |
3a. State any five rules which must be obeyed when using work shop machines |
b. State the five basic machines tools |
4a. The wood work machines is define as ____ |
b. State two basic types of machine saws. |
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