According to a new scientific release, the study reveals that a
deep sea bacteria found at the bottom of the ocean could ultimately
neutralize industrial carbon dioxide or the generally known carbon iv oxide in
the Earth’s atmosphere, ,as reported by the Market business.
deep sea bacteria found at the bottom of the ocean could ultimately
neutralize industrial carbon dioxide or the generally known carbon iv oxide in
the Earth’s atmosphere, ,as reported by the Market business.
The group of University of Florida researchers, who
carried out the research, found that the bacterium produces an enzyme that
helps in converting carbon dioxide into a nontoxic chemical
carried out the research, found that the bacterium produces an enzyme that
helps in converting carbon dioxide into a nontoxic chemical
“This tiny critter has evolved to deal with those
extreme temperature and pressure troubles. It has already adapted to some of
the conditions it would face in an industrial setting,” said Robert McKenna,
Ph.D., a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in the UF College of
Medicine, a part of UF Health.
extreme temperature and pressure troubles. It has already adapted to some of
the conditions it would face in an industrial setting,” said Robert McKenna,
Ph.D., a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in the UF College of
Medicine, a part of UF Health.
The findings by the McKenna group, which included
graduate research assistants Brian Mahon and Avni Bhatt, were published
recently in the journals Acta Crystallographica D: Biological Crystallography
and Chemical Engineering Science.
graduate research assistants Brian Mahon and Avni Bhatt, were published
recently in the journals Acta Crystallographica D: Biological Crystallography
and Chemical Engineering Science.
The bacterium, Thiomicrospira crunogena, produces carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme
that helps remove carbon dioxide in organisms.
Since the deep-sea bacterium thrives near
hydrothermal vents, it is accustomed to high temperatures. That makes it
appropriate to work during the process of reducing industrial carbon dioxide,
said Robert McKenna.
hydrothermal vents, it is accustomed to high temperatures. That makes it
appropriate to work during the process of reducing industrial carbon dioxide,
said Robert McKenna.
McKenna’s group also found a way to produce the
enzyme without frequently harvesting it from the sea floor. The enzyme can be
produced in a laboratory using a hereditarily engineered version of the common
E. coli bacteria.
enzyme without frequently harvesting it from the sea floor. The enzyme can be
produced in a laboratory using a hereditarily engineered version of the common
E. coli bacteria.
Bhatt said that more research will be required to
produce alternative of the enzyme that is both heat-tolerant and fast-acting
enough for industrial settings. Also, the team would want to make the enzyme
more stable and increase its longevity.
produce alternative of the enzyme that is both heat-tolerant and fast-acting
enough for industrial settings. Also, the team would want to make the enzyme
more stable and increase its longevity.
According to a recent study, a deep sea bacteria has
been discovered at the bottom of the ocean which can neutralize industrial
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the Earth. The study was carried out by a
group of University of Florida researchers and they found out that the
bacterium is capable of producing an enzyme which can help convert carbon
dioxide into a harmless compound.
been discovered at the bottom of the ocean which can neutralize industrial
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the Earth. The study was carried out by a
group of University of Florida researchers and they found out that the
bacterium is capable of producing an enzyme which can help convert carbon
dioxide into a harmless compound.