How to Easily Add Facebook Author Tag in WordPress for New Bloggers

Add Facebook Author Tag
Adding Facebook Author tag in WordPress shouldn’t be a
problem, although so many newbie bloggers don’t know much about it. Now, if you
observe as it should be,  you will
noticed that Facebook is now displaying author information on links shared on
Facebook; try checking it and tell me what you saw, see or seeing?. Considering
the enormous user base of Facebook, this is crucial to numerous websites social
media/marketing strategy. If you really love or want your dominance to be
completely felt, try implementing this.  In this article, we will show you how add the
Facebook author meta tag in WordPress.

 QUESTION.1—-How Does
Facebook Author Tag Work?
Facebook author
tag does a great job, once you add the Facebook author tag on your website or blog;
it will automatically display your name with a clickable link back to your
Facebook profile any time your article is shared across several platform or
global community. With this author tag experience, several bloggers can now
smile,because of the positive impact it creates for their brand.
There are more
than a few ways to add the Facebook Author tag on your website. I will show you
both the Code method and the simple plugin to add Facebook Author meta tag on
your WordPress site.

Add Facebook Author Tag in WordPress using Code

I have never
seen any WordPress user that is using yoast, complain that he is not satisfied,
I can guarantee you that.  Yoast SEO plugin
without mixing words is used by top sites across the net. However if you want
to add Facebook author meta tag on your site without a plugin, then simply add
the following code in your site’s
 <head> section
<meta property=”article:publisher”content=”” />
<meta property=”article:author”content=”” />
Make sure to replace the links above
with your site’s Facebook page link and your personal profile link.
If you don’t
want to edit your theme files, then you can use our Insert Headers
and Footers plugin
add this code in your site.

2.   Add Facebook Author Tag Using Yost WordPress SEO Plugin

For all the WordPress users using Yoast WordPressSEO plugin, you are extremely favored because it has Facebook open graph meta data support.
All you basically need to do is visit SEO » Social page in your WordPress admin and make sure that the box next to ‘Add Open Graph meta data’ option is checked.
How to  Easily Add Facebook Author Tag in WordPress for New Bloggers

The next vital step is to add your Facebook ID in your WordPress account. Simply visit Users » Your Profile page and enter your Facebook profile URL and click on the save changes button to store your settings.
Add Facebook Author Tag

That’s all, WordPress SEO will now automatically insert Facebook author tag or published by tag when you publish an article.
I hope this
article helped you add Facebook author tag in your WordPress site.