Seriously I won’t waste your time, but I believe you are
here because you want to know how you can easily customize your bloggerthemplate, especially the blogspot users.
here because you want to know how you can easily customize your bloggerthemplate, especially the blogspot users.
Not quite long ago, I made a short
post on How to Remove Or Customize Blogger Attribution Widget From Blogger.Kindly follow the
instructions /illustrations below if you really want to customize your blog in 3 simple steps;
post on How to Remove Or Customize Blogger Attribution Widget From Blogger.Kindly follow the
instructions /illustrations below if you really want to customize your blog in 3 simple steps;
First step: Kindly visit
to login, that is if you already have an account, but if you don’t, please
visit and hit the sign up button. Instantly you will be taken to Blogger
to login, that is if you already have an account, but if you don’t, please
visit and hit the sign up button. Instantly you will be taken to Blogger
Second step: Kindly click on the designated blog you wish to customize,
and you will be taken to this section, see screen short below. Click on
Template and you will be taken to a new section which contains both Customize
and the template EDIT. To customize your template, you have to click on customize
but if you want to EDIT the HTML Section of your blog, then you can click the
EDIT Section.
and you will be taken to this section, see screen short below. Click on
Template and you will be taken to a new section which contains both Customize
and the template EDIT. To customize your template, you have to click on customize
but if you want to EDIT the HTML Section of your blog, then you can click the
EDIT Section.
Step three: Once the Customize Section has been clicked, you
will be presented with the new customizing area as shown below, where you can
easily customize your blog, at the top right end; you have templates,
Background, adjust widths, Layout and Advanced. What you have to do is simple
hit any of them to easily perform the action you desired.
will be presented with the new customizing area as shown below, where you can
easily customize your blog, at the top right end; you have templates,
Background, adjust widths, Layout and Advanced. What you have to do is simple
hit any of them to easily perform the action you desired.
I hope this helps, share with your friends and in case you
have any additional information, kindly use the comment box
have any additional information, kindly use the comment box