12 Steps on How to Conduct Your Urine Pregnancy Test At Home.
Conducting Urine Pregnancy Test At Home has received a lot of boost in recent days. I recall a friend of mine requesting for tutorials on how to perform Urine Pregnancy Test At Home.
Conducting pregnancy test with just urine is a healthy thing to do. Do you want to know how important and essential your urine is in terms of home pregnancy test? try carrying out a simple urine test with it and see the result. After much research, it may seem uncomplicated, but there can be a lot of factors influencing the precision of your urine home pregnancy test.
After my post on how to conduct pregnancy test with a mobile device, which raise so many
questions and attracted lots of traffic. I believe i should still satisfy the thirst and curiosity of my readers.
questions and attracted lots of traffic. I believe i should still satisfy the thirst and curiosity of my readers.
We want to make sure you’re taking your home pregnancy test at the best possible time and in the best possible way to avoid any complications, which can be negative of positive.
In these 12 steps on how to improve the accuracy of your urine pregnancy test at home, you are definitely going to learn a lot, I assure you. Simply try carrying out a pregnancy check/test now with your urine as we go through this short pregnancy test tutorial.
Lets begin:
· Write Down the First Day of Your Last Period: Can you write properly? this is the first key to urine pregnancy test at home. Do that now with your pen and paper. Calculate when the next menstrual period is expected based on your current period. The first day of your last period will be used to calculate when the first day of your next period should have been.
· Calculate the Start Date of This Period: Conducting urine pregnancy test at home is extremely easy to do.If you can’t do this with your head straight up, get a calculator close to you..Count forward 28 (or the average amount of cycle days) days from the first day of your last period. This date is the day you should have started your period. Most normal cycles range from 28 days to 35 days.
· Test after you miss your period: Try not to be tense and avoid conducting early test.Testing for your pregnancy status too early will give you a false and /or negative test result . Not all pregnancy tests are created equal and not all women secrete the same amount of hCg in their urine. Waiting 5 to 10 days beyond your period due date will ensure a more accurate result. Be ensure you stick to this..
· Choose the Right Test: While most over the counter pregnancy tests are good, choosing the most reputable test can ensure better results. There are tests that have digital read outs with PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT shown on the screen.

· Multiple Boxes are Best: Buying just one pregnancy test will warrant you going out yourself or put you on a journey out to the store. Most of the time,
women and men choose to retest after the first test to make sure no mistakes
caused the result. Buying a twin pack of pregnancy tests is the better option.
women and men choose to retest after the first test to make sure no mistakes
caused the result. Buying a twin pack of pregnancy tests is the better option.
· Open the Test Carefully: Always apply caution and be careful When opening the
test result. When you are doing this, make sure not to touch the activation tab. You can use gloves if you feel the need to be more careful.
test result. When you are doing this, make sure not to touch the activation tab. You can use gloves if you feel the need to be more careful.
· Use Morning Urine: Morning is very powerful, everything in the morning has 100% accuracy. Dont overlook this fact. Morning urine is more concentrated, some are hyper concentrated like yours…lol… and will be more likely to give you the appropriate answer you desire.
· Stream Test or Dip Test (Optional): The initial method of capturing urine on the pregnancy test stick is the stream method. With this simple approach the stick is placed under the urine stream for a minimum period of three seconds. The second method of testing is the dip test. This test requires peeing in a container and dipping the reactive end of the pregnancy test into the urine.
· Set a Time: Time is precious, it is an insult on time to waste time. Pregnancy tests will each have diverse time requirements. Instead of sitting and watching the
test, set a timer and walk away. When the alarm sounds, read the test
immediately. Throw away the test after the maximum time has elapsed. Don’t read
the test after a long period to avoid some unnecessary worries and fears. Tests that are allowed to sit for long periods of time before reading may not be accurate and may give you a false positive “evaporation line”.
test, set a timer and walk away. When the alarm sounds, read the test
immediately. Throw away the test after the maximum time has elapsed. Don’t read
the test after a long period to avoid some unnecessary worries and fears. Tests that are allowed to sit for long periods of time before reading may not be accurate and may give you a false positive “evaporation line”.
· Read the Test: With the introduction and implementation of digital tests, there is little that can go wrong when reading the pregnancy test result. If a traditional pregnancy test is being used, read the instructions carefully and look for the Positive or Negative result.
· Positive / Negative: After the time lapse, the test should vividly read positive or negative. If there is any indication of a positive result, but the result is too light to be definitive, wait until the first morning urination to retest.
· Ascertain the veracity With a Blood Test: If the test is positive, an obstetrician will want to run a blood test to ascertain the correctness of the test result and gauge gestational age of the fetus. Should there be signs of multiple pregnancies, the
blood test will also indicate that there could be more than one baby in the utero. If the pregnancy test is negative, but your menstrual cycle does not begin within a
week, a blood test can also rule out the pregnancy.
blood test will also indicate that there could be more than one baby in the utero. If the pregnancy test is negative, but your menstrual cycle does not begin within a
week, a blood test can also rule out the pregnancy.
Pregnancy Plus is the latest addition to the popular supplement range from VitaBalance. Pregnancy Plus is designed to help replace all of the essential vitamins and minerals that your body losses during pregnancy.
Source: Babymed
Photo credit: Pixabay