How Can i Use Infolinks and Google AdSense Together? Very common question among new blogers and existing bloggers.
Here is my candid answer/response.
Generally, most users tends to inquire and ask lots of questions
about infolinks and Adsense.
Adsense can be very humorous sometimes. To ensure you don’t get banned
try to read this post I made recently. This post strongly forms part of the
question and answer section, were lots of questions relating Adsense and third
party ads placement are been rectified. Question: Can I use Google
AdSense and Infolinks together? If I use Infolinks along with AdSense,
will it put my AdSense account in danger? If you are actually trying to monetize your blog,
Adsense is the best means of monetization. But getting Adsense approval these
days is like applying for a bank loan without collateral or possibly searching
for a job without a CV. My advice is incorporating other revenue streams for
your blog monetization. AdSense is very rigorous about their program policies
and position guidelines. If you’re not familiar with their policy, you can
check out AdSense policies here. The good thing is, you can use almost any other
advertising network with AdSense till the time, other ad network doesn’t
display ads in format, which mimics original Ads served by AdSense or creates
confusion between AdSense and 3rd party advertisement. Can I be Safe to use
AdSense and Infolinks together? Generally, Infolinks is an in-text ad network and offers a
variety of other ad types. If you check properly, I am currently using both
infolinks and AdSense together here at Jaysciencetech, and it is working in
perfect and great condition. Legitimately there are no issues using Infolinks
with Google AdSense. You can learn more about Infolinks
here. Similar to AdSense, Infolinks relies on the contextual ad
technology to display relevant ad, but they don’t violate any of the AdSense
guidelines and is fully compatible with AdSense. One of my friends who happen
to be new in the blogging sphere, sk this same question, but sincerely the
answer remains the same. You can also check out this official Infolinks page for vital and helpful information
regarding infolink usage. At a standstill, What if you decide to transform your
website into a giant ads publishing platform or domain? That’s precisely what
Infolinks has done. The just right balance to AdSense, Infolinks uses InText
Ads and transforms your site’s carbon copy into ad copy in a matter of
seconds. However, there is no risk, it takes no space of your site, no
commitment, you don’t have to alter your site’s content and your site will
become money-spinning right away. Summary:- You can safely use Infolinks on the same
page where you are monetizing with AdSense. - Adsense is still the best
- Avoid been banned by reading this: Google AdSense Latest Update : Avoid Been Banned
about infolinks and Adsense.
Adsense can be very humorous sometimes. To ensure you don’t get banned
try to read this post I made recently. This post strongly forms part of the
question and answer section, were lots of questions relating Adsense and third
party ads placement are been rectified.
AdSense and Infolinks together? If I use Infolinks along with AdSense,
will it put my AdSense account in danger?
Adsense is the best means of monetization. But getting Adsense approval these
days is like applying for a bank loan without collateral or possibly searching
for a job without a CV. My advice is incorporating other revenue streams for
your blog monetization. AdSense is very rigorous about their program policies
and position guidelines. If you’re not familiar with their policy, you can
check out AdSense policies here.
advertising network with AdSense till the time, other ad network doesn’t
display ads in format, which mimics original Ads served by AdSense or creates
confusion between AdSense and 3rd party advertisement.
AdSense and Infolinks together?
variety of other ad types. If you check properly, I am currently using both
infolinks and AdSense together here at Jaysciencetech, and it is working in
perfect and great condition. Legitimately there are no issues using Infolinks
with Google AdSense. You can learn more about Infolinks
technology to display relevant ad, but they don’t violate any of the AdSense
guidelines and is fully compatible with AdSense. One of my friends who happen
to be new in the blogging sphere, sk this same question, but sincerely the
answer remains the same.
regarding infolink usage.
website into a giant ads publishing platform or domain? That’s precisely what
Infolinks has done. The just right balance to AdSense, Infolinks uses InText
Ads and transforms your site’s carbon copy into ad copy in a matter of
seconds. However, there is no risk, it takes no space of your site, no
commitment, you don’t have to alter your site’s content and your site will
become money-spinning right away.
page where you are monetizing with AdSense.
- I advice that you also use other ads
companies to monetize your blog like bidvertisers, chikita,kontera etc - The only thing that you need to take care
of is; try to ensure that the pop-up created by hovering the mouse on info
links ads, should not cover AdSense ads. You need to take care of AdSense
placement in such a behavior to avoid similar behaviour. A good practice
is to add <!– INFOLINKS_ON–> and <!– INFOLINKS_OFF–>
at the start and end of the content area of your blog. This way info links
ads will be displayed only in your content area part.
If you have any experience with any other ad network that is not
compatible with AdSense? Let me know via comments!
companies to monetize your blog like bidvertisers, chikita,kontera etc
of is; try to ensure that the pop-up created by hovering the mouse on info
links ads, should not cover AdSense ads. You need to take care of AdSense
placement in such a behavior to avoid similar behaviour. A good practice
is to add <!– INFOLINKS_ON–> and <!– INFOLINKS_OFF–>
at the start and end of the content area of your blog. This way info links
ads will be displayed only in your content area part.
compatible with AdSense? Let me know via comments!