It is a maxim that, “poverty is not the lack of money but the lack of knowledge and ability”. Poverty is not tied up to money only. Some people are poor in many areas like; relationship, finance and communication to name a few. But our focus here will be on finance.

If everyone wants to be financially successful then why isn’t everyone rich? The answer is not a simple one, but I have created this list to help you show mistakes people make that
keep them from achieving success in their finances.

1. They have limiting beliefs about life and money
Poor people believe they are creatures of circumstances. Because of this, life happen to them. Rich people believe they are the creator of circumstances.
Because of this, they create opportunities within their lives. The poor blame anyone and everyone for why they don’t have what they want. They use sentences that start with, “it is
because”. For example, “it is because the economy is bad that is why I don’t
have want I want” or “it is because money doesn’t really matter that I don’t
have as much as I would like”. By justifying your current situation you accept your current situation.
2.They Complain Too Much

When you complain, what do you focus on? All the crap in your life and if you focus on all the crap in your life what do you become? A magnet that attract more crap. Also, you must
distance yourself from those around you who do nothing about the current
situation but complain as they may influence your state in a negative way.
Poor people believe money doesn’t matter. Rich people value money and know it matters. I am not saying that money create happiness, but a lack of money is a passport to misery. Money allows for the freedom to do the things that you want to do. I say solve the
money problem and others will be minor.
3.They Are Afraid To Fail

The fear of failure is the beginning of failure and also the greatest single obstacles to success in adult life. Everyone is afraid of making mistake and being set back. There are three ways to conquer fear.
(a).Embrace Fear And Let It Motivate You:
The people who take the advantage of using fear as a motivator achieve their goals
and do so by acknowledging their fear without letting it ruin their enjoyment
of their success.
      (b)   Take Fear As A Natural Thing

    (c)    Have A Plan B: if you feel your plan is going to fail, then have a plan B. that can conquer the fear of failure.

     On the contrary, most successful millionaires says, “failure is not an option”. Though not everybody has that faith, but if you do , then it going to work for you.
     4.  They Don’t Pay Themselves First
A part of all earn is your to keep, and if you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you”, as said by W. Clement Stone. This means that anyone, even a person earning minimum wage, if he or she starts early enough and saves long enough, can become a
millionaire over the course of his or her working lifetime.
      Developing the lifelong habit of saving and investing your money is not easy. It requires discipline and commitment. You have to set it as a goal, write it down, make a plan, and work on it all the time.
     Practice frugality in all things. Be very careful with every penny. Question every expenditure. Delay every important buying decision for at least a week. The longer you put off making a buying decision for at least a week. The longer you put off making a buying decision, the better your decision will be and the better price you will get at that
time. Put necessities, not luxury first.
     Resolve today that you are going to save and invest at least 10% of your income throughout your working life. Take 10% of your income every month and put it into a special account for financial accumulation. This process has worked for everyone who
has ever tried it, including me. Try it and see for yourself.
    5.  They Act As Slave ToPay check

The top 3% of Americans see themselves as self-employed, no matter who signs their pay checks. The highest mistake you can ever make is to think hat you work for anyone other than yourself. You are always self-employed. No matter where you might be working at
the moment.
    When you see yourself as self-employed, you
develop an entrepreneur mentality, the mentality of highly independent,
self-responsible individuals. Instead of waiting for things to happen you make
things happen. You see yourself as the boss of your life because that’s who you
are. This is the mindset of the rich people.
   Identify your favourite reasons and excuse for not committing wholeheartedly to your financial goals. Is there anyone or anything in your life that you are blaming or complaining for holding you back?

Whatever it might be, accept complete responsibility for your life and take action today!

Author: Okon Joseph, Principal Consultant/CEO at World Inspired International.