Adding Adsense code to your blog is one of the simplest thing to do online as a blogger. Although new bloggers may experience slight difficulty trying to insert their adsense code into their blogs. i have been trying harder to ensure that i fulfill my own part by posting informative and insightful tutorials to assist newbie bloggers, recently i published a post on How To Added Related Posts Widget To Blogger Blog.
You will love it. But today i will show you how you can add Adsense ads code into your blogspot blog.
You will love it. But today i will show you how you can add Adsense ads code into your blogspot blog.
STEP 1. Kindly visit your adsense account and copy your code. See illustration below;
STEP 2. Kindly visit your blogger dashboard and click on layout, as shown below;
STEP 3. Kindly click on add gadget at the right or left side bar/area;see screen short below;
STEP 4. Once the gadget is opened, click on the insert HTML/JavaScript and put in your code from Google Adsense, see below
STEP 5 . Once you’ve followed the instruction the above, kindly insert the ode, as shown below;