Have you been struggling to create E-Mil in your Cpanel account?
The cpanel is a control region inside your parent-based hosting account. If you really want or intend to operate professionally, you need to have a customized email from your cpanel section.
By default, you have no email account set up. The primary username may seem like it is setup as an email, but if you wish to use it, you will need to add it as an email account.
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This tutorial/guide will show you how to create an e-mail in cpanel, just follow the steps below accordingly.
FIRST STEP-Go to the appropriate website and login to domain which is being hosted on the exact cpanel.
SECOND STEP–Here you will have to click on the email logo.
THIRD STEP-Now after clicking on it, you will have to get a username and password. You can also make use of the password generator too
FOURTH STEP– click on the create account button below and that’s all you need to do
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