What you need to know about Microsoft Word 2010

What you need to know about Microsoft Word 2010

Microsoft Word 2010 is a powerful word processing application that allows users to produce typed documents. These can range from simple letters through to fax cover sheets, reference manuals and sophisticated reports incorporating numbered headings, figures and graphics. First, you can get started by knowing What computers are? What Actions Can Computer Perform!! 
By the end of this article you will be able to:

• Move and copy table rows and columns

 • Split a table

• Change table size and alignment 

• Merge and split table cells

• Sort table data

• Add formulae to tables 

• Draw tables

Image result for MOUSE

>Moving and copying
Rows and columns in a table can be moved using the same procedures as text within a document. However, the position of the insertion point when pasting or dragging rows and columns is important as it can alter the final result.
Using Cut/Copy & Paste
=>To move or copy a row/column: 
1. Select the row to be moved/copied or select the column to be moved/copied. 
2. Click on the CuT/COPy button.
3. Select the row where you want to paste (Word pastes above) or select the column where you want to paste (Word pastes to the left).
4. Click on the PASTE button
Using Drag & Drop
Rows and Columns can also be moved or copied using standard drag and drop techniques.
To Move the selection: 
1. Click on the middle of the selected area and drag it to the new location
To Copy the selection: 
1. Click on the middle of the selected area and hold down the CTRL while you drag the selection to where you want to copy it. Release the mouse button before the CTRL key
>Splitting A Table
Sometimes you need to split a table between rows to add text in-between.
To split a table in two at the current cursor position: 
1. Select the table at the point you wish to split it.
2. Go to the MERgE group on the LAyOuT ribbon and click the SPLIT TABLE button.
•     To rejoin tables that have been split, simply delete the paragraph marker between them.
>Merging And Splitting
When you have inserted your table there may be times in a number of cells that you would want them as one cell and not several and similarly you may wish for one cell to be split into several. In 2010 this feature is easy to do. 
Not only can you split cells but you can split a whole table into multiple tables if the need arise 
To split cells 
1. Select the cell(s) you wish to split
2. Go to the MERgE group on the LAyOuT ribbon and click the SPLIT CELLS button.
To merge cells 
1. Select the cells you wish to merge.
2. Go to the MERgE group on the LAyOuT ribbon and click the MERgE CELLS button.
To split Table 
1. Click in the row that you wish to be the first row of the split table.
2. Go to the MERgE group on the LAyOuT ribbon and click the SPLIT TABLE button. 3. The table will split above the row your cursor is in.
Table sizes and alignment
The columns, rows and positioning of a table on the page are all adaptable. Some of the techniques for getting the best results when changing these options are outlined below.
Advanced Column Width Techniques
When you adjust the width of a column, Word proportionately resizes the other columns to the right so that the overall table width does not change. However it is possible to be more precise about how the remaining columns should be affected.
•     The SHIFT
key allows the width of a column to be altered and increases the overall width of the table accordingly.

To increase the width of column 1, click over the column boundary and drag it with the mouse…Column 2 becomes narrower

To increase the width of column 1 without altering the width of column 2, click over the column boundary, hold down the ShIFT key and drag it with the mouse…
 Column 1 width increases and so does the overall width of the table
Row Height

The height of the rows in a Word table is usually controlled by the contents of the cell. If the text in a cell is too wide, Word will wrap the text within the cell.

Using the ENTER key to insert blank lines within a cell can also alter the height of rows.

In a situation where a cell’s height needs to be set precisely there is an option on the layout ribbon that allows you to input a specific measurement. This is particularly useful if tables are being used to create forms and space should be left for people to fill the form in.
To change the row height: 
1. Select the rows where the height is to be changed 
2. Choose PROPERTIES from the LAyOuT ribbon
3. Select the ROW Tab in the dialog
4. Use the ROW hEIghT IS: field to set a precise size
 1. Change the cell height in the CELL SIzE group by entering the height you wish The options in the hEIghT drop-down list are outlined next:
This sets a specific height that will not adjust
At Least
specification of a minimum height, but will still
fit rows around text that is taller
•     You can also use the beFore
and aFTer options in the ParagraPH FormaT dialog box to space out text within cells in a table.