Understanding The Science Behind BlockChain and Bitcoin Investment

The Science Behind BlockChain and Bitcoin
The Science Behind BlockChain and Bitcoin 

The blockchain is a powerful technology that enables Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and other virtual currencies to be open, anonymous, and secure.

The code also empowers countless innovations beyond cryptocurrency. The blockchain is a database of details about every Bitcoin transaction. Often referred to as a “public ledger,” the log contains metadata about when and how each transaction occurred. The ledger is publicly accessible through APIs and torrent sites. To prevent tampering with current and past transactions, the database is cryptographically secured. Encryption allows developers to trust the transaction history and build applications from and around transaction information.

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Why it matters
Virtual currencies offer an alternative to government-issued money. These currencies are exchanged like cash for goods and services. They can also be converted easily by a number of services for traditional currency like dollars, pounds, and euros. Because transaction information is obfuscated, cryptocurrency enables legal, extralegal, and illegal behavior. Using Bitcoin, it’s easy to buy pizza, train tickets, stolen data, drugs, and weapons.

The blockchain can also be used as an identity system. Onename and Keybase use the blockchain to generate verifiable identification, like a national ID or driver’s license.
The blockchain is, in theory, future-proof and can be used by private companies and individuals to build private financial networks. This means that a large enterprise could build a financial system internally for use by employees or external vendors. 

Though most countries require tax to be collected from income, taxing company-to-company virtual currency transactions is tricky. 

BitConnect Investment Opportunity


>Investing in BitConnect Coin and Staking

bitconnect staking
The  actual moment you acquire BitConnect Coin it becomes an interest bearing asset with Up to 120% return per year through PoS minting. All you have to do to earn with this method is to hold coins in your Bitconnect-QT wallet. This means anyone holding BitConnect Coin in their wallet will receive interest on their balance in return for helping maintain security of the network.
This investment option involves profiting from the rise in price over your investment time period.

>Investing in BitConnect Lending

bitconnect lendingEveryone can invest in BitConnect coin in Bitconnect lending platform exclusively from the BitConnect Dashboard. This investment option involves profiting from Bitconnect trading bot and volatility software. You will receive daily profit based on your investment option. Upon investment term completion, you will receive your capital back to take out from the bitconnect lending platform or optionally reinvest back in lending platform to continue receiving daily profit.
If you wants to invest in BitConnect lending, you have to buy BitConnect Coin in the first place. Buy BitConnect coin from BCC Exchange with Bitcoins first.

>Earn from BitConnect Coin trading

bitconnect tradingThis investment option can be used to profit on price fluctuationof BitConnect Coin. You can buy BitConnect coin at a lower price and selling them at higher price. You can also profiting from downward movements in BitConnect coin price by selling them at a higher price and buy them again at a lower price and pocketing the price difference. If you wants to profit from short selling, you have to own BitConnect Coin in the first place.
To start investing,kindly check out the investment/lending amount and its corresponding interest rate and level.
BitConnect lending plan