Apart from the fact that Permalink structure are one of the most important elements that boost the SEO, they also help in making the URL of a website look friendly.
For those who might not know what a Permalink is, a Permalink is simply the URL structure that is appended at the end of your website URL for a published post or page.
An example in this case is “www.example.com/2018/03/exampleofapage.html
In the example given above, the website is “www.example.com” while “/exampleofapage.html” is the URL appended at the end of the website. The entire link is what is called a Permalink structure.
How Is Permalink Determined / Formed?
A Permalink generated in this are determined by various factors if they are generated automatically. In the case of automatic generating permalinks, the dates likewise month of the published post/page are usually appended while some snippet of the post title.
For instance; If you are writing an article titled “How to Have a Good Sleep”, the permalink generated for you might be “www.example.com/2017/08/howtohaveagoodsleep.html” where “www.example.com” would be your website URL.
Having known this, now let’s move on to How You can change your permalink structure.
How to Change Your Default Permalink Structure on WordPress
Step 1: Login to your WordPress Dashboard
Step 2: Now Click on Settings >> Permalinks
Step 3: You would see a list of different types of Permalinks from this page, now choose the one you’d like and save!
Here is a picture of the Permalinks structure and what they all mean.
(i) Plain Permalink – This permalink ends with something like “/?p=123” and changes the figure constantly whenever you published new post
(ii) Day and Name Permalink – This type of Permalink adds the month, year, date and post title snippet of when you published your post and append it at the end of your website URL
(iii) Month and Name – Almost similar to the second one but the difference is; this only append the Year, Month and Post title snippet to the end of your URL
(iv) Numeric – The type of permalink ends with something like “/archives/123” and only changes the numeric figure after you publish a new post
(v) Post Name – If you only want the title of your Post to be appended at the end of your website URL, you can choose this option
(v) Custom Structure – This is where you get to type your own customized URL structure and it would always be appended at the end of your website URL after a new post or page had been published
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Why Should I Change My Website Permalink Structure?
Like we earlier mentioned on this post, permalinks make your website URL structure looks friendlier and at the same time had an impact on your website SEO.
Feel free to leave a comment if you had trouble doing this.
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