Mini importation business is something that one can start with the necessary information. When an individual wants to go into mini importation business, there are basic things that must be considered as criteria.
This importation business has to do with importing small products from abroad. This kind of importation doesn’t require a large sum of capital and one interesting thing about mini importation business is that anybody can do it. You don’t have to own a big shop. This business can be done in your comfort zone. We are going to look at them sequentially.
- Things to consider before starting mini importation business
There are basic things one has to consider before diving into mini importation business and they are a connected laptop, capital, a bank card for business transactions, and a traceable address with a mobile phone number. All these will make your business importation business very easy.
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- Places to import goods for your mini importation business
In mini importation business, one has to know the goods that people are requesting for. Some of the items are clothes, phones, pieces of jewelry and watches etc. Another thing is to go for a product that is not common in your area. You don’t have to go for bulky goods because you will be charged an extra fee for transportation. You can even order fairly used laptops and sell it to students from countries such as China, Singapore, UK or London.
- Markets that sell at a cheaper rate
There are several markets in mini importation business that goods can be imported from but it is always advisable import goods from a market that sells at a cheaper rate. Examples of such markets are,, and etc. Alibaba happens to be the mother of all markets. In Alibaba, you will get to meet the producers of products that other markets are selling. The only disadvantage is that that you have to buy a bulk of products.
4. Processes of mini importation business
- Registration
Firstly, you have to log into the site that you want to order the products and type in the name of the site on Google. After that, you create an account with them. Type in the site name you want to open on Google. Then a welcome message will be sent to your mailbox so that you click the link to confirm it.
After that, you will see another congratulatory message that your mail has been successfully verified. After this, you can browse the market for the things you want to buy.
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- Price Comparison and incentives
In the world of mini importation business, many sellers sell similar goods but at diverse prices. Some of them even offer free shipping of the goods in order to cut down the cost to the lowest minimum. It is good to go for a trader that has up to 5 stars in his or her store. This can be done by checking reviews that other buyers have done on the trader’s store. The only disadvantage of free shipping is that it might take up to two months before the good arrive.
- Marketing
In the marketing of your product, you have to start small. Your main buyers in this mini importation business are going to be your colleagues, friends, and neighbours. You need to make use of social media to your own advantage to showcase the products you have imported. This form of marketing will move your mini importation business forward. You need to know what your competitors in the mini importation business are selling before you place your price tag. You can also market your goods on Payporte, Konga, and Jumia etc.
- Making Payment
It is good to make use of the escrow medium of payment to avoid being scammed. Some marketing portals such as Alibaba and Aliexpress make use of this payment. The purpose of the method of payment is that it helps to hold your money until you as a buyer confirmed he or she has received the product. If you don’t like what you ordered for then you request your money back.
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- Duration of goods arrivals
The arrival of your goods in mini importation business depends on the number of days you selected for your goods and you paid for. If you want your goods to arrive on time you must pay more. There are some items that can be shipped to a country for free and example of this company is DHL.