Java and python are the most popular programming languages in the world, and between this two programming languages for us to know which one is better, it’s worth looking at some of their similarities, ideal use cases, disadvantages, advantages, and differences.
Java vs Python
For a number of perspectives, Java and Python are also very different and Some of these differences are a matter of opinion, preference, objective, usage or programming environment.
For example, Python is an interpreted language while Java is a compiled language. This difference gives each language particular drawbacks and benefits. Even as there is a lot of arguments over whether the interpreted code is faster to execute than compiled code. The environment in which this language is being used determines Whether one language is faster than another. For an instant, Python which is an interpreted language is more adept at running in massively parallel mode on GPUs.
The Java and Python languages are written differently, you enclose it in braces when creating a structure in Java whereas Python uses indentation to perform exactly the same work.
Trends in Java and Python
Trends in Java and Python
Java vs python-which programing language is better is now a very trending subject. The most popular programming language by virtually any measure is still Java. On the other hand, in developed and high-income countries Python’s growth has been astronomical. According to some people the belief that Python will eventually overtake Java’s popularity. The reasons for this wonderful growth include language flexibility, library support, developer productivity, ease of learning and community support. Python has also grown heavily in hot areas like data science and desktop apps as well as web applications, network servers, media tools.
The popularity of java may have been hurt because of it less-than-stellar security reputation. According to the Register delight in bashing Java, a news site claims that 88% of Java applications have security issues. Hence, this issue basically depends on the problem with the Java browser plug-in, this does not mean that the security problems are basically worse than other any way Python’s own security record is well known. For the less-experienced developers to secure their code the python ease of use makes it easier.
However, it would be unwise to think that Java is a language that has already been there. Java developers are doing their best to make sure that new functionality is added making Java, faster, and more flexible in terms of large-scale development. To create cross-platform compatible Java applications the powerful Java Virtual Machine (JVM) makes it easy and Java continues to skyrocket at building massive traditional apps that represent the kind of coding that most businesses firm need today. So, No matter how you may want to see it, the huge Java programming jobs and the installed base of Java application code-isn’t going away any time soon.
Different threading models are been used by Java and Python. The Python Global Interpreter Lock or GIL, simply means that Python can effectively run only on a single CPU core at a time, unlike the Java. On the other hand, using a Python with GPU is basically simple, compared to using Java in doing the same thing. A Python app running in a massively parallel mode on a 5,120-core GPU will smoke a fully optimized Java app running on an 8-core CPU.
It is estimated that Python programmers make $116,000 while Java developers make $102,000 per Indeed and $99,000 vs. $96,000 per StackOverflow.
Finally, Python would be my personal choice for machine learning tasks and data science, AI. While, Java is likely going to be at the top of my list when I need to write applications for end users, especially cross-platform application.whether the above preferences hold true for you or not, this comparison is helpful to make your own choice, java vs python which programming language is better