The Best Ways to Pay Bills You Never Knew Existed

Taking care of our bills on time is a challenge to some people, learning to take of these is an important thing to deal with, if you don’t there is a possibility of accumulating bills and end up in debt as the case may be. This could affect ones credit rating and even stop you from buying a home.

Also, bills can easily be paid online. Paying bills is not easy or easy as it may seem, but if we know the best way to, it can be done for free. Paying online makes the task of paying bills easier and helps prevent mistakes. It also enables us to get rid of postage payment. When bills pile up, it can be very difficult to offset. Due to this, a few tips have been put together to help us check and control bills from escalating.

To do this, get organized, create a folder and keep them, ensure to keep track of them and when they are to be paid and on time.

From the several payment options, choose a payment method that you are comfortable with. Direct debit is usually the cheapest and easiest way to take care of your bills, though there are other options. By doing so, you’ll easily notice any mistakes and will note if your bills rise and fall. Choose a day each month and use a calendar or an app to make sure you don’t forget. Ensure your bills don’t get on top of you. If you’re struggling to pay your bills, don’t ignore the problem, because it will only get worse.

The best ways to pay bills

Out of popular demand, we’ve put together a few tips that will enable you to pay your bills on time and help you stay on top of your finances.

Your Bank

This happens to be the best option for free bill pay. With the existence of a checking account, it’s likely that your bank offers online bill pay. You can set up a list of payees and have your bank send checks (or electronic payments), and those payments can go out automatically or only when you request them. To pay bills using your bank is a perfect way to start paying online while you have control over the process as well. To stop paying or pay from a different account, all you need to do is log in to your bank account and make the necessary changes. Paying through banks is quick, in this case, your bank initiates the transaction while you’re in control of exactly what you pay and when, but you have to remember to pay your bills in time.

Online or phone banking payment.

With this mode of payment, one can easily pay bills directly.

By post:

Cheques can be sent for the bill amount to the address provided by the business. This mode of payment may take up to five days for them to process the cheque and receive the money from your account.

Post Office:

Bills can also be paid by card or cash at the Post Office. Often times, extra charges applies when paying through this means.

Prepayment meter:

Though this is a bit expensive, electricity or sometimes gas can be prepaid by topping up a key or a card which goes into your gas or electricity meter. The disadvantage of paying this way is that when you run out of credit card, you are out of energy.