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Robots are great. Robots are good. That’s right, far back 20 years ago, engineers have made amazing progress in building a good and flexible robot. Building “humans” from circuits and wires, computer chips and electricity. Experts are reaching greater heights every day in their field of work, creating robots that are capable of conversation, complex thought, emotion, and a lot more. In this article, we want to examine the top 10 life-altering human robots that once existed.
Cognitive Universal Body(ICUB), was created by the RobotCub Consortium which has brought several European universities together. His intention behind this robot was to test a cognition hypothesis, that is that human-like manipulation plays an important part in how human cognition is developed. For example, a child cognitive skills are developed by way of interacting with the surrounding environment. Finally, do you know that the iCub is currently testing this hypothesis?
Atlas is a human-looking robot and is made up of a super intelligent conglomeration of metal and circuitry. It’s very authoritative, hight of about six-feet tall. It has been developed by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA for short, it was created for search and rescue tasks. The Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency was founded in 2013. And the has no interest in using the robot for “offensive or defensive warfare.”
This robot was created in Japan, in 2013 and was the first robot in the world to have a conversation in space. The Kirobo was Japan’s first robot astronaut. According to Kirobo, as soon as he settled into the zero gravity environment, they were no problem at all. He displays a very high spirit and maintained a positive attitude. The Kirobo is a lovable little robot. more spirit than wires and more human than synthetic.
This is a particular robot consisted of “Bones” plays bass, “Fingers” plays guitar, “StickBoy” plays drums, and “StickBoy Junior” rides the hi-hat pedal. It is made up of recycled metal materials and plays on all real electric and acoustic instruments. It was finally assembled between 2007 and 2012 and took a Kickstarter campaign and $290,000 to bring the robots into reality. They have behaved like real humans ever since.
This robot was developed at Osaka University, and came into existence in 2003, in Tokyo, Japan. It has a strong visual human-likeness. And ever since that time several different versions of this womanly robot have come into existence. And she almost always looks like an average woman of Japanese descent. She speaks, breathes, and blinks, convincingly replicating all the things a real woman would do.
Petman is one of the most human-like kinds of the robot. It has so many features. It does a simple service to humankind. This robot was developed to test chemical protection suites. The helmets, goggles, and other various garments made specifically to protect a person’s body from injury against hazardous electrical, chemical, atmospheric, and physical threats. Bee-keepers use them, construction workers, firefighters use them, etc. Petman, made by Boston Dynamics, is the “first anthropomorphic robot that moves dynamically like a real person.”
“Rubot II,” was developed by Pete Redmond an Irish robotics engineer. Was the world’s fastest Rubik’s Cube-solving robot, up until 2010. Rubot II can solve the Rubik’s Cube in less than 20 moves. Its record-finishing time is 21 seconds.
8. HAN
Han emulates human facial features, possibly better than any robot that’s ever existed. He boasts an IQ of 250, and he’s single, apparently. (Go get em’ ladies!) She can show empathy, act melancholic, display evil, act like a drunk and can even smile. All this possible by the control of a remote control. He’s got realistic human eyes, he can act as someone’s friend to a greater degree than another human can, he has human skin and can talk as one of its features.
Robots that can pole dance? Now that’s something most men can get behind! Tobit, a software developer based in Germany, created such an ingenious bot. During a recent conference, they set up a booth that features a robot DJ accompanied by two pole-dancing robots. The robots would dance in sync with the music. It cost a little over $39,000 each, and are marketed as an educational guide. According to the BBC, The Tobit innovation is to link the robots’ brains through cloud storage system so that it can share information with each other.
ASIMO! He’s just like us! Everybody loves him. ASIMO, short for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility, is a humanoid robot developed and designed by Honda. It’s really an adorable robot, and it will ravish you on first sight. But, it’s only a robot folks.
It talks, it plays soccer, it dances, it behaves just like a human being. He is a “multi-functional mobile assistant.” He recognizes up to 10 different faces, he can distinguish between different people’s voices and he helps those who lack full mobility as well. ASIMO’s has made big impacts in technological fields.