Top 15 Examination Question And Answer On Social Science For University Students

Social science is a major category of academic disciplines, concerned with society and the relationships among individuals within a society. Social science as a whole has many branches, each of which is considered a social science. Top 15 examination question and answer on social science for university students is what we want to consider in this article.

Top 15 Examination Question And Answer On Social Science For University Students


What is the difference between social science and social studies?

Answer :

The main difference between social science and social studies is in their intended purposes. The social sciences are branches of study that analyze society and the social interactions of people within a society. Subjects that fall under the umbrella of social sciences are anthropology, history, economics, geography, and many others that explore societal relations. Social science classes are most frequently taught to college-age students.

Social studies is a subject most frequently taught to K-12 students to help them understand how to be effective citizens of society. This is done by analyzing subjects that fall under both the social sciences and the humanities, including art, literature, religion, and other similar topics.


Is criminology a science?

Answer :

Yes, criminology is one of the social sciences. It is an interdisciplinary field and makes use of the knowledge and methods used by sociologists, psychologists, as well as other academic and professional disciplines. Criminologists study criminal behavior. They work for a variety of organizations, including the federal government, prisons, and universities.


An ethnomusicologist is someone who does what?

Answer :

An ethnomusicologist is someone who studies music throughout the world. Usually, they focus on non-Western sources of music and how it relates to a group’s social and cultural identity. Ethnomusicologists are not only interested in how the music is made, but what the overall meaning is for both musician and audience. They often engage in fieldwork throughout the world, observing and engaging while doing research. In addition to academia, ethnomusicologists are involved with a number of industries ranging from museums to medicine.


What is cultural absolutism?

Answer :

Cultural absolutism is one of the perspectives which was common in anthropology, but it can be applied to non-scientific thought as well. It supposes that there is a set of universal values which are objectively valid in all situations. In philosophy, this corresponds somewhat to moral absolutism, which claims that there are universal moral truths, but the difference is that cultural absolutism explicitly claims that certain cultural norms or practices are objectively better and should be universally applied. Throughout history, this has been the standard position, but at the turn of the last century, anthropologists started noticing their biases.

Today, pure cultural absolutism is seen as a harmful incarnation of ethnocentrism: the belief that one’s own culture is superior and the practice of holding other’s cultures to the standard of our own. However, purely relativist anthropologists have also been critiqued for going too far, denying any common humanity and being too lenient towards morally questionable practices. Contemporary approaches try to find a balance between universal values, such as human dignity, and a more inclusive and relativistic view of culture.


What’s the opposite of always?

Answer :

Always means constantly, consistently, and perpetually. Antonyms for the word always include: never, seldom, infrequently, and nevermore.


What skills do scientists use to learn about the world?

Answer :

The major skills used by scientists to learn about the world are observation, assumption, measurement, inference, and prediction.

The observation skill is used to collect knowledge via multiple senses while assumptions are made at different stages of the experiment to reach the final prediction. Moreover, the measurement provides exact qualitative and quantitative data for the experiment. The inference is based on the collected knowledge of the observation and prediction is the forecast of the identified points in the experiment.


What is pelo in English?

Answer :

  1. The Spanish word pelo means ‘hair’ in English. It can mean a singular strand, a head of hair, or a coat of hair/fur. Pelo used in a sentence: El peine está lleno de pelo, which translates to ‘the comb is full of hair’ in English.
  2. The Portuguese word pelo means ‘fur’ in English. Pelo used in a sentence: O cão tem pêlo, which translates to ‘the dog has fur’ in English.


What is the study of criminology?

Answer :

Criminology is a combination of many different fields, and it studies both the causes and effects of crime and how to prevent it. For example, a criminologist might look at how poverty can affect crime rates or how different cultures view crime.


What is the difference between sociology and psychology?

Answer :

The key difference between sociology and psychology is that psychology is more concerned with people as individuals, while sociology is more concerned with people as a group. For example, a psychologist might meet with an individual person to help them get an understanding of that person’s issues whether it be related to relationships, mental health, stress factors, or any number of personal issues. Sociologists, on the other hand, study groups of people to gain the understanding of societies as a whole. They are able to draw insights and conclusions by studying the interactions and behaviors of groups, such as different religious groups, societal standings, genders, and many more.


What does sayonara mean?

Answer :

The word sayonara means ‘goodbye’ in Japanese. Its meaning differs from ‘goodbye’ in English, as in Japanese sayonara is used as a ‘goodbye’ for a long time similar to a ‘goodbye forever.’


Why does the United States have a two-party system?

Answer :

While not the intent of our Founding Fathers, the United States has a two-party system because its political system rewards the party that wins elections while giving no benefits to those that lose. Whoever wins the most votes out of all the people running for the U.S. Congress, or the presidency, will win.

Other nations have different political systems, where representation is awarded as a percentage of the total votes, resulting in representation for any party that did not win the most votes. Since there can only be one winner in American politics, there is no reward for belonging to a smaller party. Thus, while America actually has many political parties, only two dominate the national political scene: the Republicans and the Democrats, who appeal to the broadest swath of American voters.


Coalition governments in parliamentary systems become necessary when?

Answer :

Coalition governments in parliamentary systems become necessary when there isn’t one particular party that holds the majority of the seats in government. In a multi-party system, a political party can hold more seats than their opponents, but still not hold the majority of the overall number of seats, being outnumbered by the other parties.

With this numbers game, in order to help move their legislation forward, the majority party must reach out to the other parties and seek allies that will support the bills when it comes time to vote. Therefore, through a lot of negotiations, the majority party will hope to form a political alliance (a coalition) with a few other, smaller political parties to achieve the majority number of seats in government.


How does the franking privilege help members of Congress?

Answer :

The franking privilege helps members of Congress in that they receive free postage services for all official business correspondence.

The concept of ”franking” goes back a few hundred years in Britain. The idea is that members of Congress because they are servants of the people and doing work on their behalf, should not have to pay for simply conducting the business of the nation. Although franking still exists today, Congress allocates money back into the U.S. Postal Service for reimbursement. Plus, with the dawn of the digital age, correspondence continues to move toward electronic communication.


What is the state motto of Arizona?

Answer :

Arizona’s motto is Ditat Deus, meaning ‘God enriches’. The phrase, taken from the Book of Genesis in the Bible, is a reflection of religious beliefs through the history of Arizona. Arizona is one of over 20 states that have a Latin phrase as their motto.


Summarize Wolff v. McDonnell

Answer :

In Wolff v. McDonnell, an inmate ignited a class-action suit against the Nebraska penal system, arguing that their disciplinary actions and practice of opening mail between inmates and their attorneys violated the 14th Amendment’s provisions of due process, among other rights.

The Supreme Court took up the case and ruled in favor of the inmates, saying disciplinary action should include a written statement of charges as well as allowing the prisoners to bring forth any witnesses, unless judged a safety concern. However, they ruled the inspection of mail to be constitutional.