All You Need To Know About The Broccoli
The Broccoli is a green plant which is a part of the cabbage family. It has an edible head which is normally eaten as a vegetable. The vegetable is a great source of vitamin B6, choline, manganese, vitamin A (which is in the form of carotenoids), vitamin E, vitamin B1, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, dietary fiber, copper and potassium.
Aside this, this amazing vegetable is a great source of the vitamins like the vitamin B1 and other nutrients such as selenium, calcium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, niacin protein, magnesium, and iron.
Generally, the vegetable is a safe edible food and has not been discovered to cause any serious adverse side effects. However, it is said to be a cause of some side effects like bowel irritation or gas irritation. This is because the broccoli contains a high amount of fiber.
All similar vegetables cause gassy reactions on consumption.
Aside the nutrients we have discussed above, the broccoli also contains in rich quantity other nutrients such as zeaxanthin, carotenoids lutein, beta-carotene and some antitoxdants.
They contain high level of vitamin K and calcium, which are do amazing great things to our bone health and prevent some diseases such as osteoporosis.
Uses Of The Broccoli Vegetable
Medicines: The broccoli vegetable has parts that grow above the ground like majority of other plants, and they are normally used to make medicine. They are essential for the prevention of cancers like the prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, bladder cancer, and stomach cancer. It can also be used to boost our immune system.
Food: The broccoli is a vegetable and an amazing food for consumption. As we have earlier stated, the vegetable is a safe edible food and has not been discovered to cause any serious adverse side effects. However, it is said to be a cause of some side effects like bowel irritation or gas irritation.
This is because the broccoli contains a high amount of fiber. All similar vegetables cause gassy reactions on consumption.It is more nutritious to consume the broccoli raw, according to Nigerian nutritionist and dietitian, Igbo Clifford Chimaizuobi.
In a small medical research recently carried out, some men were given a cup of the vegetable each, either raw or cooked. The end results proved that these cruciferous vegetables like the kali; broccoli and cauliflower help to reduce the rates of cancer. In other words, if you eat it raw, you will benefit more from the nutritional contents.
The Dietary Guidelines, 2010 suggest that you consume about 21 cups of vegetables everyday to help you get the required 2000 calories for your day. This means you actually need to consume a lot of broccoli if it your vegetable source.
It also helps in the achievement of a weight loss because it contains less amount of water. There are other healthy vegetables in the world you should consider consuming on a regular besis if you need very sound health.
Some of them are the spinach, garlic, carrots, kale, swiss chard, green peas and of course, the cabbage.
They will help you vouch for the amount of calories you need to function effectively.