GRE Test-Introducing the GRE revised General Test (All You Need to Know)


√Learn how the GRE test has been been revised
√Review basic information on the structure of the GRE test, test preparation, and scoring

What Are the Main Features of the Revised Test?

The GRE revised General Test is primarily composed of revised Analytical Writing, Verbal
Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning measures. Each of these sections/areas has
been revised to better focus on skills that are build up and targeted for success in graduate

READ:The Number Game: Uses of Quantitative Reasoning

The 3 sections

The Analytical Writing measure asks you to provide more focused responses to
questions, to more accurately demonstrate your skill in directly responding to
the task presented.

The Verbal Reasoning SECTION tends to lay or direct greater emphasis on higher cognitive and proficient skills, as a truer, deeper assessment of your ability to understand what you read and how to apply your reasoning skills.

The Quantitative Reasoning measure tests the same basic mathematical concepts,
but includes more data analysis and more real-life scenarios, to better gauge your skills.

Without much deliberations,the revised General Test delivers a friendlier, more flexible test-taking experience.

Now you will be able to edit or change your answers, and skip questions, all within a
section, and more— giving you the freedom to use your own personal test-taking
strategies. In addition, a calculator is available on the Quantitative Reasoning measure
to reduce the emphasis on computation.

The GRE revised General Test is offered on computer throughout the year on a
continuous basis in the United States, Canada, and other regions of the world. Paper based
administrations are offered in areas of the world where computer-based testing
is not available.

For the most up-to-date information about the GRE revised General Test, visit the
GRE website at


Structure of the Test

Computer-Based revised General Test: The computer-based GRE revised General Test contains six sections:

1. an Analytical Writing section with two tasks, which always comes first in the test
2. two Verbal Reasoning sections
3. two Quantitative Reasoning sections
4. one unscored section, typically a Verbal Reasoning or Quantitative Reasoning
section, that may appear at any point in the test.

Questions in the unscored section are being tried out either for possible use in
future tests or to ensure that scores on new editions of the test are comparable to
scores on earlier editions.

An identified research section may be included in place of the unscored section.
The research section will always appear at the end of the test. Questions in this section
are included for the purpose of ETS research and will not count toward your score.

The Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and unidentified/unscored sections
may appear in any order; therefore, you should treat each section as if it counts toward
your score.

The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures are section-level adaptive.
The computer selects the second section of a measure based on your performance
on the first.
The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures allow you to preview
other questions within the specific section on which you’re working, review questions
you’ve already answered, and change your answers.

Typical Computer-Based revised General Test
Total testing time is 3 hours and 45 minutes, including the unscored section. The directions
at the beginning of each Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning section
specify the total number of questions in the section and the time allowed for the section.

For the Analytical Writing section, the timing for each task is shown when the
task is presented.

GRE Test-Introducing the GRE revised General Test (All You Need to Know)

*An unidentified unscored section that does not count toward a score may be included and may appear in any order.
**An identified research section that is not scored may be included, and it will always be at the end of the test

Paper-Based revised General Test

The paper-based GRE revised General Test contains six sections:
1. two Analytical Writing sections, which always come first and second in the test
2. two Verbal Reasoning sections
3. two Quantitative Reasoning sections.

Typical Paper-Based revised General Test
Total testing time is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. The directions at the beginning
of each section specify the total number of questions in the section and the time allowed for the section.

GRE Test-Introducing the GRE revised General Test (All You Need to Know)

Unlike the previous paper-based GRE General Test and the GRE Subject Tests,
which use separate answer sheets, the paper-based GRE revised General Test is selfcontained: you will enter all responses for the Analytical Writing tasks and the Verbal
Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections in the test book itself.

Also, you are allowed to use a basic hand-held calculator on the Quantitative Reasoning sections.

The calculator will be provided to you at the test site; you may not use your own calculator.
Information about using the calculator to help you answer questions appears in the free Practice Book for the Paper-based GRE revised General Test, which is available at

Introducing the GRE® revised General Test

⇒Preparing for the Test

Preparation for the test will depend on the amount of time you have available and your
personal preferences for how to prepare. At a minimum, before you take the GRE
revised General Test, you should know what to expect from the test, including the
administrative procedures, types of questions and directions, approximate number of
questions, and amount of time for each section.

The administrative procedures include registration and appointment scheduling,
date, time, test center location, cost, score-reporting procedures, and availability of
special testing arrangements.

You can find out about the administrative procedures for the revised General Test in the GRE Information and Registration Bulletin. Information is also available online at

Before taking the revised General Test, it is important to become familiar with the content of each of the measures.

In this article, you’ll find information specific to each measure of the test. You can use this information to understand the type of material on which you’ll be tested and the question types within each measure.

It is also important to spend some time preparing for the Analytical Writing section
by reviewing the skills measured, scoring guides and score level descriptions, sample
topics, scored sample essay responses, and reader commentary.

Test-taking Strategies for the Computer-based Test

√Analytical Writing Section

The Analytical Writing measure of the computer-based revised General Test uses an elementary word processor developed by ETS so that individuals familiar with a specific
commercial word processing software do not have an advantage or disadvantage. This software contains the following functionality: insert text, delete text, cut and paste, and
undo the previous action.

Tools such as a spelling checker and grammar checker are not available in the ETS software, in large part to maintain fairness with those examinees who must handwrite their essays at paper-based administrations.

It is important to budget your time. Within the 30-minute time limit for each task,
you’ll need to allow sufficient time to think about the topic, plan a response, and compose
your essay. Although GRE readers understand the time constraints under which you write and will consider your response a first draft, you will still want to produce
the best possible example of your writing.

Save a few minutes at the end of each timed task to check for obvious errors.
Although an occasional typographical, spelling, or grammatical error will not affect
your score, severe or persistent errors will detract from the overall effectiveness of your
writing and lower your score.

Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning Sections
The questions in the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures have a
variety of formats. Some require you to select a single answer choice; others require
you to select one or more answer choices, and yet others require you to enter a
numeric answer.

Make sure when answering a question that you understand what
response is required. An onscreen calculator will be provided at the test center for use
during the Quantitative Reasoning sections.

When taking the computer-based GRE revised General Test, you are free to skip
questions that you might have difficulty answering. The testing software has a “mark
and review” feature that enables you to mark questions you would like to revisit during
the time provided to work on that section.

The testing software also lets you view a complete list of all the questions in the section on which you’re working, indicates whether you’ve answered each question and identifies the questions you’ve marked for review. Additionally, you can review questions you’ve already answered and change your answers, provided you still have time remaining to work on that section.

A sample review screen appears at the top of the facing page. The review screen is
intended to help you keep track of your progress on the test. Do not spend too much
time on the review screen, as this will take away from the time allotted to read and
answer the questions on the test.

Your Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning scores will be determined by
the number of questions you answer correctly. Nothing is subtracted from a score if
you answer a question incorrectly.

Therefore, to maximize your scores on the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures, it is best to answer every question.

Work as rapidly as you can without being careless. Since no question carries
greater weight than any other, do not waste time pondering individual questions you
find extremely difficult or unfamiliar.

Test-taking Strategies for the Paper-based Test

√Analytical Writing Sections
In the paper-based revised General Test, the topics in the Analytical Writing measure
will be presented in the test book, and you will hand write your essay responses in the
test book in the space provided.
It is important to budget your time. Within the 30-minute time limit for each section,
you’ll need to allow sufficient time to think about the topic, plan a response, and

compose your essay. Although GRE readers understand the time constraints under
which you write and will consider your response a first draft, you will still want to produce
the best possible example of your writing.

Save a few minutes at the end of each timed section to check for obvious errors.
Although an occasional spelling or grammatical error will not affect your score, severe
and persistent errors will detract from the overall effectiveness of your writing and
lower your score.
During the actual administration of the revised General Test, you may work only on
the particular writing section the test center supervisor designates and only for the
time allowed. You may not go back to an earlier section of the test after the supervisor
announces, “Please stop work” for that section. The supervisor is authorized to dismiss
you from the center for doing so.

√Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning Sections
The questions in the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures have a
variety of formats. Some require you to select a single answer choice; others require
you to select one or more answer choices, and yet others require you to enter a
numeric answer. Make sure when answering a question that you understand what
response is required. A calculator will be provided at the test center for use during the
Quantitative Reasoning sections.
When taking a Verbal Reasoning or Quantitative Reasoning section, you are free,
within that section, to skip questions that you might have difficulty answering and
come back to them later during the time provided to work on that section. Also during
that time you may change the answer to any question in that section by erasing it completely
and filling in an alternative answer. Be careful not to leave any stray marks in
the answer area, as they may be interpreted as incorrect responses. You can, however,
safely make notes or perform calculations on other parts of the page. No additional
scratch paper will be provided.

Your Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning scores will be determined by
the number of questions you answer correctly. Nothing is subtracted from a score if
you answer a question incorrectly. Therefore, to maximize your scores on the Verbal
Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning measures, it is best to answer every question.
Work as rapidly as you can without being careless. Since no question carries
greater weight than any other, do not waste time pondering individual questions you
find extremely difficult or unfamiliar.

You may want to go through each of the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning
sections rapidly first, stopping only to answer questions you can answer with
certainty. Then go back and answer the questions that require greater thought, concluding
with the difficult questions if you have time.

During the actual administration of the revised General Test, you may work only on
the section the test center supervisor designates and only for the time allowed. You
may not go back to an earlier section of the test after the supervisor announces, “Please
stop work” for that section.

The supervisor is authorized to dismiss you from the center for doing so. All answers must be recorded in the test book.