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Do you want to join the Nigerian Army? Yesterday, we enlightened us on How To Join The Nigerian Navy. This article highlights key steps and processes to follow before joining Nigerian Army.Do you want to get enlisted in the Nigerian Army and become an Army officer?.
Before proceeding, we would love you to note that the Nigerian Army is the largest of the Nigerian Armed Forces, and has about 100,000 professional personnel. So for you to successfully join the Nigerian army, you need to meet the following requirements which are all listed below.
Brief Outline of The Nigerian Army
Joining the Nigerian Army is another amazing way to serve the country. The Nigerian Army is the largest arm of the Nigerian Armed Forces, with its headquarters in Abuja and Its motto “Victory is from God alone”. Your duty is to protect our sovereign territory. The head honcho of the Nigerian Army is the Chief of Army Staff of Nigeria. In this post, I will reveal the requirements for joining the Nigerian Army as well as how to go about the application process.
How does one Join the Nigerian Army?
Who is eligible to join the Nigerian Army?
In order to join the Nigerian Army, you must meet all the following requirements and steps to follow below.
Basic Educational Requirements To Join Nigerian Army(Military force)
When you romance the internet or web with keywords such as How to Join the Nigerian Military force or Nigerian Army, you will notice that there are key requirements to fulfill before becoming eligible;
What are the required educational requirements to join the Nigerian army?
Well, here’s an official answer to your question and I hope this solves your problem.
-For entry as Non-Tradesmen/women into the Nigerian Army; applicants must possess a minimum of 4 credits in not more than 2 sittings in WASSCE/GCE/NECO/NABTEB. One of the credits must be in English.
– For entry as Tradesmen/women, for the full Educational and Trades qualification according to categories.
Required Documents to Commence Army Recruitment Process
Please note that the following are the required documents for the Nigerian Army recruitment Application;
i) Photocopies of Birth Certificate/Age Declaration.
ii) Photocopies of academic and professional Certificates.
iii) A letter of Identification signed by the identifying officer in Section F of the duly completed form (printed from the online application portal).
All Applicants should be aware that they shall be required to produce the originals of all certificates/Credentials and Electronic Voucher or Scratch Card used to apply on this online portal.
However, for any applicant who is suspected to have impersonated, manipulated or submitted false documents shall be disqualified during or after training. According to reports from daily post Nigerian Army are well equipped with devices to fight terrorist, impersonation,corruption and false pretense. So, there would be no need for security and safety issues..Additionally, all applicants shall be handed over to the Police for proper prosecution if found guilty of any crime commited.
Candidates whose pictures are not submitted electronically will not be considered for shortlisting, so ensure that you submit your picture electronically becoming coming to the training ground.
You should also note that the Nigerian Army shall not entertain any enquires in respect of applicants whose applications are rejected or failed to meet the selection criteria.
1. Must be a Citizen by Birth
You must be of Nigerian origin by birth. What this means is that you must be born in Nigeria and of Nigerian parents. If you’re from another country or you’re a Nigerian by naturalization or registration (and not by birth ), then you are not qualified to join the Nigerian Army.
2. Be in your Youth
An applicant must be between ages of 18 years to 22 years of age at the time of application. If you are not yet up to 18 years old, you will have to wait a little longer. However, if you are already older than 22 years of age, you are ineligible to join the Nigerian Army.
This is the specific age boundary to join the Nigerian army.
3. You Must be Healthy
You must be fit medically, physically, and even psychologically sound. This is to say that you must not have any persistent issues with your health or suffer chronic conditions like asthma. Neither must you have any physical or mental disabilities i.e. Sight problem, hearing difficulties, pregnant, previous major orthopedic operation, flat foot, fracture, stammering or any other natural disability.
4. Required Height
Yes, your height alone can deny you of your dreams of joining the Nigerian Army and serving your country.
You must not be less than 1.65 meters tall for male and 1.56 meters tall for a female.
5. You Must Have a Clean Record
You must be free of any criminal conviction. You must not have been convicted of any crime whether major or minor at any point in the past. If you have been charged with an offense, then you are not eligible to join the Nigerian Army.
Steps to Follow To Join The Military(Nigerian Army)
1. Registration
You will have to register in the online portal at Then fill the forms and follow the given instructions and bring along the required documents.
It is compulsory for you to attend the zonal screening exercises which would be held at the designated zonal center for your state. The zonal screening centre may not be held in your own state, but in one of the neighbouring states.
Just one zonal screening center will be available for applicants from all states within the designated zone.
2. Complete Registration and Proceed to Screen
You must complete all forms and submit them at the examination venue on the date fixed for the screening examination.
There are also education requirements for aspiring graduates. Yes, graduates of conventional universities in Nigeria can also join the Army through the Direct Short Service.