Animal Husbandry Examination Questions for Senior Secondary School 3 (SS3)

Animal Husbandry Examination Questions for Senior Secondary School 3 (SS3)

CLASS: SS  3     SUBJECT:  Animal Husbandry      TIME: 2 HOURS

Instructions: Answer all questions in section A

 The following livestock diseases are caused by virus EXCEPT A. Anthrax Foot and moath diseases  C. Rinder pest   D. Newcastle

  1. Crops grown primarly for feeding animals are known as A. Forage
  2. Cereal C. Legumes D. Vegetables
  3. Fingerlings refer to the young OP  Fish  B. Rabbits  C. Guinea pig  D. Turkey
  4. Which of the following factors would you consider the best important for the successful incubation of eggs?  Light  B. Temperature
  5. Ventilation D. Turning of the eggs.
  6. Which of the following farm animals possess a pair of caeca? A. Pig
  7. Cattle C. sheep D. Fowls
  8. The head of tapeworm is known as the A. Sucker Rostellum
  9. Scolex D. Segment
  10. Which of the following feeding stuff should be increased in the diet laying birds? A. Palm kernel meal Bone meal  C. Groundnut cake  D. Vitamin supplement
  11. The practice of progeny selection involve selecting breeding stock on the basis of the A. Performance of offspring Parents characteristics   C. Sir-dam relationship  D. Individual merits of each animal
  12. The most important symptom of brucellosis in cattle is A. Abortion Swollen testes  C. Lameness  D. Swollen joints
  13. Which of the following is NOT a sign of heat in animals? A. Mounting of other animals Mucous discharge from the vulva  C. Grantion sound  D. Muscus  discharge from the rectum
  14. Which of the following practices would a farmer not likely adopt in Pig management A. ear notching Worming  C. Castrating
  15. Dehorning
  16. In birds, loss of appetite, respiratory difficulties and nervous paralysis are symptoms of A. Newcastle Corcidiosis  C. Fowl-typhoid   D. Fowl pox
  17. In which of the following ways can fish be processed and preserved? A. Salting and smoking Salting and fermentation  C. Smoking and  fermentation   D. Smoking and pasteurization
  18. The incubation period of turkey is A. 27 days 35 days  C. 42 days  D. 15 days
  19. Which of the following is commonly used as a source of plant protein in livestock ration A. Maize Price bran   C. Wheat bran
  20. Groundnut cake
  21. The brownish, flattened and leaf-like  parasites  found in cattle are called A. Tapeworms   Liver flukes  C. Lice  D. Roundworms
  22. The desirable characteristics of forage crops include to following EXCEPT A. Palatability  Dependability  C. High field  D. Poor reproductive ability  E. Resistance of trampling
  23. Which of the following is NOT an effect on man of the various preventive and control measures of disease and pest/parasites? A. Air pollution  Water poisoning   C. Food contamination  D. Poor utilization
  24. The units of inheritance which determine the various characteristics of animals are called  Genes   B. Chromosomes  C. Cytoplasm
  25. Nuclei
  26. In the establishment of pastures it is best to A. Plant only grasses
  27. Plant only legumes C. Plant a mixture of grasses and legumes
  28. Allow needs to mix with the forage crops
  29. The part of the ruminant stomach from which digestive juices are secreted is the A. Rumen Reticulum  C. Omasum   D. allow needs to mix with the forage crops
  30. The part of the ruminant stomach from which digestive Juices are secreted is the A. Rumen Reticulum  C. Omasum  D. Abomasums
  31. At which of the following ages are gilts mated? A. 8-12 months
  32. 14-15months C. 15 – 20months D. over 25 months
  33. Which of the following breeds of cattle is regarded as the best dairy breed in Nigeria A. While Fulani Red bororo  C. Sokoto gudalis
  34. Muturu
  35. Which of following is not a factor of improvement in breeding cattle? A. Fertility  Butterfat percentage  C. weaning weight  D. Back-fat-thickness
  36. Which of the following is not a symptom of malnutrition in livestock
  37. Bloat B. Night blindness C. Anaemia  C. Infertility
  38. The act of giving birth in rabbits is known as A. Kindling Kidding  C. Farrowing  D. Lambing
  39. Which of the following is NOT used for identification purpose in livestock? A. Tattooning    Branding   C. Tagging  D. Shearing
  40. The factors that can predispose animals to disease include the following EXCEPT A. Poor housing Malnutrition  C. Immunity
  41. unfavourable weather
  42. Which of the following is NOT a breed of cattle? A. Sokoto red
  43. Sokoto gudalis C. White Fulani C. Ndama
  44. Which of the following may cause diseases in a fish pond? A. Mixed stockings Liming  C. Poor  management practices  D. Fertilization
  45. The factors affecting growth and development of young animals from birth to maturity include the following EXCEPT    Breed of animal  B. Size of head  C. Nutritional Status  D. Health status
  46. Which of the following is NOT a sign of animals approaching parturition? A. Sot, Pilable and Swollen Vulva   Relaxed cervix
  47. full mammary gland D. Drop in milk production
  48. Daily management routine in poultry include the following EXCEPT
  49. Egg collection B. Record keeping C. Water and feed provision
  50. debeaking
  51. When a cockerel is castrated, it becomes a A. Broiler Capon
  52. Pullet D. Cock
  53. Forages cut fresh and preserved in silo or pit are referred to as A. hay Silage  C. Soilage  D. Compost
  54. Which of the following is Not a method of improving rangeland?
  55. Controlled stocking B. Rotational grazing C. Used of fertilizers
  56. Over-grazing
  57. Management practices of established pasture include the following EXCEPT fencing  B. Replanting  C. Transplanting  D. Manuring
  58. Which of the following characteristics is not correct of pigs? A. Prolific Efficient feed converters  C. Source of meat  D. Source of skin
  59. Diarrhea tainted with blood is a symptom of A. Trpanosomiasis
  60. Ketosis C. Coccidiosis D. Brucellosis
  61. The freshly cut forage crops fed to livestock in their housing units are referred to a A. paddock grazing Silage  C. Hay  D. Soilage
  62. The act of mating in chicken is known as A. Treading service
  63. tupping D. breeding
  64. Study bull is the term used in describing A. A castrated male cattle A bull kept mainly for breeding   C. An old bull used for draft purposes  D. A bull used for artificial insemination
  65. When an animal is being fed on a ration that does not increase it’s value but keeps the animal in good health and constant weight, the animal is used to be on a A. production ration   Creep feed
  66. Maintenance ration D. Balance ration
  67. Genetic characteristics are passed from the parents to offspring through the A. Cytoplasm Placenta  C. Zygote  D. Gene
  68. A livestock disease caused by a fugus is A. Aspergilosis
  69. Cossiciosis C. Red water D. Foot and mouth
  70. An unproductive animal completely removed from the rest of the stock is said to be A. Culled Quarantined  C. Isolated  D. Confined
  71. A disease that causes abortion in cattle in the later stage of pregnancy is A. Milk fever Pnenmonia   C. Brucellosis   D. Ring worm
  72. The part of the egg that prevents the yolk from being damaged by keeping the yolk at the centre of the egg is the A. Gem spot
  73. Albumen C. Airspace D. Chalaza
  74. Bull calves intended for breeding are sometimes nose-ringed  in order to A. Improve their sense of detecting heat in cows  Minimize the incidence of respiratory diseases  C. Increasing the quantity of calcium in mash  D. Facilitate easy handling of the bull
  75. The water-snails is important in the life cycle Round worm
  76. Tapeworm C. Liver fluke D. Tick
  77. Using N’dama bull to mate muturu cow is an example of
  78. Inbreding B.Selection C. Cross-breeding  D. Artificial insemination
  79. A nutritional deficiency disease of livestock A. Rinder pest
  80. contagious abortion C. Osteomalacia D. Tuberculosis
  81. N’dama cattle are well adapted to west Africa mainly because the breed A Can withstand a long period of drought  Is Resistant to trpanosomiasis  C. Can feed well on poor quantity forages  D. Can withstand high humidity
  82. The causal organism of mastitis in cattle is A. Fugus Bacterium  C. Virus  D. Protozoan
  83. In cattle, high fever and sudden death are symptoms of A. Anthrax
  84. Foot rot C. Pleuro-pnenmomia D. Bloat
  85. Night blindness in an animal is caused by a deficiency of A. Vitamin

A  B. Calcium  C. Vitamin  B  D. Vitamin E

  1. Progeny selection involves selection of bleeding stock on the basis of A. Feed conversion efficiency Sire-dams relationship  C. Merits of the dam only  D. Performance of offspring
  2. The effects of practicing rotational grazing in a livestock farm include the following EXCEPT controlling livestock pests  B. Eliminating attack in livestock diseases   C. Allowing the regrowth of Pasture crops  D. Maintaining steady increases in growth rate of animals
  3. In animal nutrition, iodine is essential for the production of
  4. Thyroxin B. Oxytocin C. Insulin  D. Progesterone


Attempt only FIVE questions from this section

1a.     What is Animal Improvement?

  1. State 7 aims of animal Improvement

2a.     Mention three methods of animal improvement

  1. Explain the three methods listed above
  2. State two advantages and two disadvantages of each method earlier discussed

3a.     What is artificial insemination?

  1. Enumerate three advantages and three disadvantages of Artificial Insemination (A.I)

4a.     List four causative agents of animal diseases

  1. State atleast two diseases caused by each of the causative organisms

5a.     State FIVE factors that can predispose farm animals to diseases

  1. State in a tabular form using the information below
  2. 3 ecto-parasites
  3. 3 endo-parasites

iii.      Animals affected

  1. Control measures

6a.     Explain the term ration

  1. Name four classes of livestock feed and list two characteristics of each class
  2. Distinguish between maintenance and production rations

7a.     What is rangeland?

  1. State 4 importance of rangeland
  2. Discuss SIX methods of rangeland and pasture improvement adopted to ensure the continuous availability of grasses and legumes for grazing of animal.