Basic Technology Examination Question for JSS1(Junior Secondary School)
CLASS: JSS1 SUBJECT: Basic Technology TIME: 2 ½HOURS
Instructions: Answer all questions in SECTION A and FIVE questions in SECTION B. marks will be awarded to neatness in draftsmanship . Each question in Section A is followed by four options, choose the correct option for each question and shade the correct answer corresponding to the option you have chosen in your answer sheet.
- The application of a scientific know-how to solve societal problems is referred to as ______ Arts B. Culture C. Technology D. Drawing
- The portion on the paper set aside for necessary information such as size, name of object, name and date of drawing is called the _________ A. Borderline Drawing space C. Title block D. Information table
- For safety purpose a good workshop should have the following EXCEPT _____ A. A very smooth and tiled floor Adequate ventilation C. Effective space allocation D. Correct ceiling height
- Which of the following is NOT a reason for studying technology?
- Acquisition of skills B. Safety C. Pride D. Self empowerment
- Distance “P” in the sketch below measures ___________mm
A.22mm B. 29mm C. 0.26mm D. 28.3mm
- Protective clothes are worn in the workshop to ensure _____ to the workers Accident B. Safety C. Wetness D. Fashion
- Technological growth of any society encourages A. Dependency
- White Collar jobs C. Industrial strike D. Self reliance
- The polygon drawn below is referred to as _______
- Heptagon Pentagon C. Hexagon
- Octagon
- Which of the following is a good conductor of heat? A. Rubber
- Copper C. Wood D. Ceramics
- All of the following are engineering materials EXCEPT ______ A. Metal Ceramics C. Air D. Rubber
- Which of these appliance does NOT belong to the group? A. Electric cooker Water heater C. Electric fan D. Electric iron
- A car can be lifted by one of the following simple machines A. Wedge lever C. Screwjack D. Inclined plane
- The property of metal that gives it shinny appearance is called ______ A. Ductility Elasticity C. Lustre D. Malleability
- The development of technology in any country requires a great deal of _____ A. political campaigns Interest, determination and hardwork C. soicalamenities D. Cultural jamborees
- The tool drawn below is a typical example of _____ tool
- An alloy is defined as __________ A. The simplest form of a chemical reaction Element that are very reactive in nature C. A combination of two or more metals D. An electronic configuration of elements.
- The triangle shown above is ________ A. equilateral Isosceless
- Acute D. Scale
- Which of these is NOT one of the safety rules for machine users?
- Work only with properly guarded machines B. Switch off machine after use C. Distract a machine operator D. Do not lean on running machine
- On drawing sheet, all horizontal lines are drawn with _____ A. Set-squares Ruler C. Tee-square D. Compass
- Circle and arcs are best drawn with _________ A. Set-squares
- Drawing boards C. Compasses D. Protractor
- The drawing instrument shown below is used for drawing______
- Curve lines B. Horizontal lines
- Zig-zag lines D. Long-short lines
- Which of the following is regarded as safe working habit in the workshop A. Putting sharp edge tools in the pocket Distracting a machine operator C. Keeping tools carelessly D. Avoiding congested working area
- Class “A” fire agents are listed below EXCEPT one is not among the group Oil B. Wood C. Paper D. Cloth
- Which of these is a disadvantage of an under-developed technology
- It saves time and energy B. It helps in economic growth C. It does thing manually D. It makes life comfortable
- A quadrilateral with all sides equal but no right angle is a ________
- Cube B. Rhombus C. Square D. Rectangle
- Which of these devices is used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy? Table fan B. Electric motor C. Electric lamp
- Generator
- The drawing instrument shown below is used for drawing __________
- Curves B. Letters C. Angles D. Circles
- The construction carried out below demonstrates
- bisection of line B. Perpendicular line
- Bisection of angle D. Division
- Which of the following is a product of developed technology? A. Broom Box-iron C. Letter D. Tricycle
- The following are basic needs for development EXCEPT ____
- Flowering plant B. Schools C. Hospitals D. Bridges
- Metals that contains iron are called _____ A. Lustre Ferrous
- Aluminum D. Lead
- Deciduous trees possess the following features EXCEPT ____ A. The seeds are enclosed in cases Broad leaves C. Evergreen leaves
- It has heavy heart wood
- The part of the cross section of the tree trunk labeled “P” is referred to as ____ A. Medullary rays Sap C. Cambium D. Pith
- The part of a tree that carries soap or moisture content is called ____ A. Root Pith C. Back D. Cambium
- Which of the following is NOT an example of a coniferous tree? A. Pine Spruce C. Whispering tree D. Iroko
- Walk, do not run in the workshop is a measure for _____ A. Load
- Effort C. Safety D. Services
- The attention given to machine to avoid major break is called ____ maintenance Preventive B. Corrective C. Predictive D. Routine
- A device that put off flames in case of fire outbreak in the workshop is called _____ A Tool box Extinguisher C. Hose D. Brittle
- The act of care and attention given to machine for it to last longer is known as ___ A. Hauling Safety C. processing D. Maintenance
- The best instrument in drawing practice for transferring measurement is called ______ A. Compass Tee-square C. Ruler D. A pair of divider
- The following are examples of a drawing paper EXCEPT ___ A.
- A3 C. A0 D. A4
- One of these is NOT a first aid material Plaster B. Hand gloves
- Nails D. Cotton Wool
- Which of the following is represented by the sketch of the simple machine shown below
- Knife Bottle opener C. Scissors D. Pliers
- The simple machine below represents what class of level 1st B. 2nd C. 3rd D. O
- An arrangement that makes work simple with less stress is called ____ A. Iron Hammer C. Deciduous D. Machine
- The correct definition of mechanical advantage, M. A is ____ A. Load-effort Load + effort D. Load effort D. Load x effort
- The following are natural resources for transferring technology EXCEPT _____ A. Machine trees C. Crude oil D. Gold
- An electric kettle has a body made of ______ A. Wood Alluminum C. Steel D. Rubber
- The purpose of mechanical advantage in a machine is to ______
- Avoid stress on the machine B. Check the efficiency of the machine C. reduce the strength of the machine D. Increase damage on the machine
- Brass is an alloy of _____ and _____ A. Copper, Zinc Bronze, tin C. Aluminium, lead D. Tin, Silver
Answer any five questions
1a. What is workshop safety?
- Mention five safe working habit in the school workshop
2a. Define the term technology?
- Differentiate between developed and under-developed technology with one economic activity for each.
3a. What is Mechancal advantage of a simple machine?
- Explain the principle of operation of first and second order lever machine with one application each.
4a. Describe an alloy?
- List FOUR types of alloy
5a. Define the term maintenance
- List Three types of maintenance and explain each one
6a. What is First Aid Treatment?
- Calculate the mechanical advantage in a screwjack needed to lift a load 90kg with an applied effort of 15kg.