An automobile (also called autocar, motor car or car) is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, typically to have four wheels and to be constructed principally for carrying people rather than goods.

The word automobile comes from the French word automobile from the ancient Greek word autos (self) and the latin mobilis (movable) meaning a vehicle that moves. The alternative name ‘car’ is believed to originate from the latin ‘carrus’ (wheeled vehicle) or the middle English word ‘carre’ (cart).

Most automobiles in use today are propelled by an internal  combustion engine, fuelled by deflagration of gasoline (petrol) or diesel. Both fuels are known to cause air pollution and are also blamed for contributing to climate change.

How does a car work? When a driver turns a key in the ignition, the car battery sends power to the starter motor which turns the crankshaft, which gets the pistons moving, and then the engine fires up and ticks over. A fan draws air into the engine through an air filter. The air filter removes dirt and girt from the air which is drawn into a chamber where fuel (petrol or diesel) is added. This fuel-air mix (a vapourished gas) is stored in the chamber. When the driver preses the accelerator pedal, the throttle valve is opened. The fuel-air mix passes through an intake manifold and is distributed, through intake valves, into the cylinders. The crankshaft controls the opening and closing of the valves. The distributor makes the spark plugs spark, which ignites the fuel-air mix. The resulting explosion forces the piston to move down which, in turn, causes the crankshaft the rotate. As the pistons are forced up and down to rotate the crankshaft, and after sending the power through the transmission, the crankshaft turns the wheels to make the car move.

Now answer the following questions

  1. An alternative word for a car engine, according to the passage is _____
  2. Apart from diesel, a car can also run on ______
  3. Which part of a car turns the crankshaft?
  4. A vapourised gas is also known as ______
  5. Mention four part of a car given in the passage
  6. Which word in the first paragraph means the same as primarily.
  7. Which of the following is supported by the fourth paragraph? A. Most vehicles operate through an external combuston engine.  A fan draws air into the engine through a fuel filter  C. When the accelerator pedal is pressed, the throttle is closed  D. The air filter removes dirt.
  8. Which of the following parts of a car makes the fuel-air mix burn?
  9. The prison B. The crankshaft C. The spark plug  D. The wheel
  10. To make the wheels of the car turn, power is sent through the ____
  11. Wheel B. Valve C. transmission  D. Ignition
  12. From the passage, it can be concluded that most cars have _____ wheels Five   B. Four  C. Three  D. Six


From the word letter A-D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as that enclosed in the slashes below


  1. /ei/ man        B. another            C. day         D. pike
  2. /Λ/ note        B. bus                   C. push       D. pick
  3. /i:/ bee          B. car                    C. wine       D. her
  • / i/ say          B. shoe                 C. try          D. name
  1. / /   cow         B. try                    C. law         D. put



From the words or group of words lettered A-D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences

  1. We have just _____ two letters Write    B. Wrote    C. Writing
  2. Written
  3. He is ____ the palm nuts now Break   B. Broken   C. Breaking
  4. Broke
  5. One of the men ____ dead Are    B. Is     C. Were     D. Am
  6. We have never _____ to Ghana before Being   B. Be   C. Were
  7. Been
  8. Everything _____ good Are   B. Is    C. Were    D. Will
  9. The time-keeper had just _____ the bell See     B. Seeing    C.  saw   D. Seen
  10. He _____ rice and beans Like    B. Liking   C. Likes    D. Likess
  11. We ____ his name  Know   B. Knows   C. Knowing   D. Knowingly
  12. Several of them EXCEPT John _____ chosen the class prefect Are    B. Is  C. Were   D. None of these
  13. All except Philip ____ chosen the captain of the team Has
  14. Were C. Are D. None of these

From the list of words lettered A – D, choose the correct option of the word that is NEAREST IN MEANING to the under-lined words as is used in the sentences below:

  1. The pauper came and appealed for help but nobody listened, so he left with nothing A. Driver Tailor   C. Beggar  D. Teacher
  2. Effiong is a clever young boy A. Stupid Dull  C. Intelligent
  3. Careful
  4. The child was trained by the grandmother A. Worshipped
  5. Nurtured C. Beaten D. Stubborn
  6. The woman was surprised to see her son with such a heavy load from the farm A. Astonished  Happy  C. Sad  D. Laughed
  7. Chief Etim does not want to change the custom of his people. A. Style Manner   C. Habit   D. System

Choose from the option lettered A – D, the ANTONYMS to the underlined words in the sentences below

  1. The Doctor went round the ward to see his _____ A. Wardmaid
  2. Cleaner C. Patients D. Chemist
  3. The Driver refused to carry the load of his ____ A. Conductor
  4. Passer-by C. Passenger D. Hawker
  5. Charles was the Host in the function and he entertained his ____ so well A. Travellers B. Enemy  C. People  D. Guest
  6. The Speaker was happy to see his _____ paying attention to his speech  Audience  B. Listeners  C. Gathering  D. Group
  7. The Teacher punished his ____ for disobedience Pupils  B. Family  C. Relatives  D. Crowd

The words below are wrongly written in an opposite direction, think well, and re-arrange them on the reversed side and re-write them correctly to bring about the correct meaning of the words

  1. Namecilop
  2. Rehtom
  3. Tneduts
  4. Moorssalc
  5. Ercassam

SECTION D: Letter writing (Answer all questions)

  1. Write a letter to the principal of your school complaining about the lack of water and what should be done to have adequate supply of water in the school Hostel.
  2. Write a letter to your sister requesting for her financial assistance to pay your school fees.