How To Make Money From Fiverr In Nigeria

How To Make Money From Fiverr In Nigeria

Do you want to make money from fiverr? Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services that was formed in 2010. Strictly a zone for online money making. The company is based in Tel Aviv, Israel, and they provide a platform for freelancers to offer services to online customers worldwide. The site is mainly used by freelancers to offer services to customers on a global scale. Gig is a service offered on Fiverr. Gig is offered by the Seller (the freelancer), and bought by the buyer (the employer) Five dollars is the actual starting price for offers on Fiverr. Users must first sign up to Fiverr to be able to buy or sell anything on the website. After successful free signup and confirmation of your account with a registration link that will be sent to your email, buying and selling on the website is next on the go. The following are easy steps to make money from Fiverr in Nigeria.

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How To Make Money From Fiverr In Nigeria
How To Make Money From Fiverr In Nigeria

Create a Freelancer Account

Fiverr account can be created to serve for both buying clients and selling freelancers.  The reason users want to join Fiverr is to sell and buy.  Once you’ve declared an interest to make money on Fiverr, you will need to build your profile around the services you render. To do this,

  • Create a Fiverr account:
  • Become a seller on Fiverr by launching the Fiverr website and clicking on become a seller button. After that, you may be required to click on another ‘become a seller’ button to get a popup asking you to enter your email to sign up.
  • Enter email to sign up with Fiverr by typing in your email in the space provided and clicking on continue or by login in with Facebook or your Google account.
  • Choose username and password for your Fiverr profile
  • Click on the join button to create your account
  • Complete a seller profile on Fiverr


Every seller has four profile requirements to complete before they begin selling. These requirements include Personal info, Account security, Professional info, and Linked accounts. Complete all the forms you are provided with by typing in all the essential details in their appropriate fields and click on the continue button each time you complete a form.  An email must have been sent to your inbox. Login to your email and click on the link you’re provided with to confirm and activate your Fiverr account.

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Create And Publish A Gig

The seller profile is useless with a Gig. So, after creating a seller profile, you must create a gig to begin selling and making money with your Fiverr account. On Fiverr, you can create a gig in up to 8 categories of services, which include Graphics & Design, Digital Marketing, Writing & Translation, Video & Animation, Music & Audio, Programing & Tech, Business, and Fun & Lifestyle.

Step 3

Optimize Your Gig To A High Rank And Make Sales

Because of the competition for jobs on Fiverr, you need to optimize your gig when creating it and write a clear description for your services. Also, Fiverr has a ranking system whereby the Freelancers with high ranking gigs make more sales than those whose gig ranking is quite low and do not appear quickly when search queries are made.


Render Quality Services

Any freelancer who wants to make money on Fiverr must first render quality services. By these services, he or she will be able to keep old customers coming back for more services and also win over new clients or customers. It can also help you to quickly gain promotion to the Fiverr top rated seller level. There’s no limit to the amount of money you can make on Fiverr; almost everything depends on you.

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Step 5

Withdraw Your Earning

There so many barriers when it comes to making money online in Nigeria. It is sometimes difficult withdrawing your earning using PayPal and some other exchangers in Nigeria you can easily withdraw your Fiverr earnings in Nigeria using Payoneer as your preferred payment option during withdrawal.