Nigerian Zip Code / Postal Code For all States

All Nigerian Zip Code / Postal Code For all States

Nigerian Zip codes are the same with the Nigerian postal code. Probably, when filling out a form online or offline, either for job applications, or whatever, and asks you to bring your ZIP code or postal code. Just add one, they are both the same.

Are you searching for All Nigeria Zip Code / Postal Code For all States? tjis page will guide you on how to get valid Nigerian zip and postal code for all services…All Nigeria Zip Code / Postal Code For all States? Lets ride on…..

To your knowledge, Nigeria has six (6) geopolitical zones in Nigeria, and they include: Northeast, Northwest, North Central, South South, South East and South West, so our ZIP code are six numeric digits.

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Hey, when asked for the ZIP code, which means (plane area of ​​improvement) or postal code, please do not enter the 234, this is the international code for Nigerian telephone numbers . We checkout the complete list of postcode Nigeria and postal code to different states.

Nigeria Postal Codes

All Nigeria Postal / Zip Code

*. Abuja Nigeria postal code: 900001

*. Abia State Nigeria postal code: 440001

*. Adamawa State Nigeria postal code: 640001

*. Akwa-Ibom State Nigeria postal code: 520001

*. Anambra State Nigeria postal code: 420001

*. Bauchi State Nigeria postal code: 740001

*. Borno State Nigeria postal code: 600001

*. Delta State Nigeria postal code: 320001

*. Edo State Nigeria postal code: 300001

*. Enugu State Nigeria postal code: 400001

*. Imo State Nigeria postal code: 460001

*. Jigawa State Nigeria postal code: 720001

*. Kano State Nigeria postal code: 700001

*. Kaduna State Nigeria postal code: 800001

*. Katsina State Nigeria postal code: 820001

*. Kebbi State Nigeria postal code: 860001

*. Kogi State Nigeria postal code: 260001

*. Kwara State Nigeria postal code: 240001

*. Lagos (Island) Nigeria postcode: 101001

*. Lagos zip code: 100242

*. Lagos State (Mainland) postal code: 100001

*. Niger State Nigeria postal code: 920001

*. Ogun State Nigeria postal code: 110001

*. Ondo State Nigeria postal code: 340001

*. Osun State Nigeria postal code: 230001

*. Oyo State Nigeria postal code: 200001

*. Plateau State Nigeria postal code: 930001

*. Rivers State Nigeria postal code: 500001

*. Sokoto State Nigeria postal code: 840001

*. Taraba State Nigeria postal code: 660001

*. Yobe State Nigeria postal code: 320001

*. Ebonyi State Nigeria postal code: 840001

Zip Code

A ZIP Code is a postal code used by the United States Postal Service in a system it introduced in 1963. The term ZIP is an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan; it was chosen to suggest that the mail travels more efficiently and quickly when senders use the code in the postal address.

There are no ZIP codes in Nigeria because ZIP codes are only used and available in the United States of America. When required to give a ZIP code just give the postal code of the particular state you stay.